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The two had been locked on their balcony's for about 20 minutes by now, one of them being a bit more stressed than the other. Both, surprisingly, not being too disappointed in being trapped.

Leia had to admit that she enjoyed his company, even the small bit they had shared.

"Okay, okay lets play a game" Josh suggested getting slightly bored.

"I mean sure but I don't think tag will be very effective with this in the way" she said tapping the balcony divider keeping them separate, this made him smirk.

"Damn, I guess that takes stuck in the mud off the table then?" She laughed slightly, he was the first person to understand her banter, not even Hannah could get her like this.

"I was thinking more 20 questions" he suggested.

"So we're in 8th grade?" She smiled at his eye roll, it was hot. "You start"

"Okay so, whats your favourite...um color"

"Really? Color, we're trapped alone on a balcony, the perfect place for deep, emotional, personal questions, and you ask for my favourite color?"!she shook her head in a mock disappointed manner.

"What? So I can't be interested in your favourite color? Okay bet, whats your biggest regret?" He answered with his head high, like he was proud of his question.

She knew what her biggest regret was. In that moment it was not meeting him sooner. She regretted something she couldn't help, ironic. How would things be different if they met before he met his soon to be fiancé? She'd never know.

"Well right now its not answering the color question" she laughed to cover up her nervousness.

"Come on, answer the question" he pressed slightly.

"Okay, when I was 14 I got the chance to move to England with my dad and brother and I never went, I haven't seen them in years. I still talk to Luke though, my brother" she looked down, it made her sad to think about her brother growing up without her. He was 12 when they left, he'd be 15 now with a whole life without her.

"Where do you and your mom live?"

"Washington, the most boring state" she jokingly rolled her eyes, all the while his eyebrows furrowed.

"What a minute," he paused looking her in the eyes, she nodded for him to continue, "your brothers name is Luke?" Now it was her time to be confused.


"And your name is Leia Walker?"

"Glad to know you've been paying attention" she obviously knew where he was going with this, the same place everybody got to eventually.

"Are you guys named after Star Wars?" He seemed happy about this for some reason, Leia however knew she didn't look quite as happy.

"Yes, we are, Luke Walker and Leia Skye Walker" she held her hands up like she was surrendering backing up slightly, with a bored tone. All the time Josh was laughing, hard.

"Thats amazing! I applaud your parents" he started clapping, she jokingly basked in it, waving like the queen and curtseying, picking up her fake skirt.

"Okay, okay, enough. You asked twenty questions on your own its my turn" he held his hands up and gestured for her to ask away.

"Whats your job?" She cursed herself, after her speech about deep questions thats all she had? He seemed to notice this but didn't question it.

"I'm a famous TikToker" he mumbled the reply.

"A what now?" She held a hand up to her ear, mocking him.

"A famous TikToker" he sighed more clearly.

"A famous TikToker?" He nodded "okay, well you're gunna have to explain that to me because I'm clueless" they laughed.

"You don't have TikTok? What 17 year old doesn't have TikTok?" He seemed baffled.

"A 17 year old with a job is who" she countered.

"I have a job," he smiled sarcastically, "it just so happens to be fun" they both laughed he let it die down before asking his question.

"What do you do then?"

"I work in a Nursery and a Library in Washington, along with school"she nodded also proud.

"A Nursery and a Library? Both?"

"Yes, Mr famous, both. Not all of us can get that TikTok clout" Leia loved working at both the Nursery and the Library she got so much from both. The experience for both helped her to see how real life was. From lovely people who payed her to baby sit even outside of Nursery hours, to horrible people who would rip the books apart just for the fun of it.

"Oh, so I'm Mr Famous now? What happened to Lover Boy?" His smile distracted her for a moment, it was so bright and cheerful, it was a smile she wanted to see everyday, but couldn't.

"Mr Famous, Lover boy, Barnacle Boy" she counted them off on her fingers "you have an impressive armoury of characters Mr Richards"

"Well, what can I say, I do try" Again he smiled and she was hooked.

"So why are you here?" She asked, "you know apart from the whole....thing" she gestured to the sky, he laughed.

"Well, me and my friends came for a holiday. You know? Some time away from life and stuff" she nodded along.

"Then I guess we're not so different hotshot"

Words: 888
Finished: March 4th
Released: September 24th

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