Few months later

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Charlie was hanging out with vagatha who was now being kind to her and slowly becoming her friend .  Vagatha just figured out that she was pregnant now and Anthony was excited about it while Charlie was due any time and alastor was crazy worried . Well the boys where at work  and the girls was in vagatha and Anthony house . suddenly Charlie felt a sharp pain and started to cry vagatha rain right to My side and she noticed liquid on the floor " oh crap , sweetie your about to have a baby ." She said vagatha called out for one of Anthony guys to come and help to take me to the doctor that was a part of the mafia group and a big guy runs in and gently picks me then he rushes downstairs as vagatha follows trying to get Charlie to calm down but all she could do is cry and scream in pain tears rolled down her face as the man took me into a room where a young girl and man sat talking they looked related vagatha explain what was going on as the man laid her down on a bed that had plastic over it and and went to vagatha who told he to get alastor and Charlie parents . Vagatha ran to Charlie side and held her hand as the young girl took off Charlie dress and shirt and puts her in a nightgown made of soft silk as the doctor man goes and wash his hands the young girl helps finish getting Charlie prep and things they would need . Vagatha gently started to sing to Charlie a lullaby to help her calm down some .

After 1hour of Charlie having her baby delivered there was a health baby girl she alastor rushes in as the girl had been cleaning Up the baby Charlie was leaning against vagatha and she waited for the girl to give her baby girl to her alastor ran to Charlie side smiling and her parents ran in with Anthony " oh goodness it looks like we are having a party " she giggled as Lilith took her granddaughter and got her dressed then hands Charlie her baby alastor looked at the baby she looked a bit like him which was a surprise but she also looked like Charlie with the Rosie cheeks . Charlie looks up at him " I was thinking of names and what about chalice Elizabeth magne ?" She asked as she feed the crying newborn  alastor smiled and kissed her " my darling it's perfect " he smiled as he looked at his girl and his daughter

 Charlie looks up at him " I was thinking of names  and what about chalice Elizabeth magne ?" She asked as she feed the crying newborn  alastor smiled and kissed her " my darling it's perfect " he smiled as he looked at his girl and his daughter

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Sorry for not updating here I have been stuck on what to write

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