Moonlight Adventures

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Helloooo. For those of you who commented on the previous updates and said to keep writing, thanks!!! It means a lot. I've been super busy but hopefully this chapter makes up. Your reads mean a lot!
Another thing is that I changed how the boys can talk in animal form. It's a lot more like human speech. Let me know if it's better or worse this way.

The quartet bounded off through the forest following the scent. Sirius lead the way flying through the dense undergrowth followed closely by James and Remus. Peter trailed at least 20ft behind gasping for air. As the trees began to close in Sirius stopped.

"Smell that?" He asked

James nodded

Peter finally caught up and curled up small brown sides heaving at the exertion. The others turned to look at him and he righted himself.

"I'm fine guys," he panted, "keep going."

"We aren't stopping for you Wormy." Sirius barked, "do you smell that?"

"No?" Peter replied between breaths

"What is it?" James asked plodding over next to Sirius and sniffing the air.

Remus slunk over and snuffled at the ground. "Spiders."

Sirius and James turned to look at him with a gleam in their eyes. "Lets check it out." They said in unison.

Peter squeaked and scampered under a leaf. "Spiders?! No way!" Came his voice from underneath the crinkled brown heap.

"We should be careful guys." Remus cautioned

Sirius laughed "Careful? Mooney when have we ever worried about danger?"

"Those spiders aren't your average bugs Padfoot. They're huge, I've seen them."

"Even better." James said.

"C'mon pansies." Sirius said as he tromped off following the scent. James followed close behind him picking his way through the undergrowth. Remus looked after them.

"Sirius. James. Stop."

"What Mooney?" Sirius grunted without stoping.

Remus growled and bounded after the stag and dog. Peter, realizing his friends and guards were leaving squealed and scampered behind them.

"I should turn you in for this." Remus grumbled.

"You know you love the adventure Mooney." James replied, turning his antlered head to face the skinny wolf loping along next to him.

Remus snorted and sped up passing James.

"Guys!" Peter squeaked as he scrambled over the branches in the forest floor. As the others turned to look he tripped face planting into the dirt. Sirius laughed as he stood up with clods of dirt clinging to his tiny whiskers.

"You got a little something." James said brushing his hoof along his nose.

"Oh! Really? Thanks Prongs!" Peter replied hurriedly brushing the dirt from his face.

Remus chuckled deep in his throat. "Look Peter, just hop on." He said turning his back to the rat on the log.

Peter leapt onto the fur between the wolf's shoulder blades and grabbed into the fur with his tiny paws.

Wolf, dog and stag picked up the pack as they ran through the forest following the scent.

***another authors note****

Hello readers I'm talking again, I'm sorry. This chapter is shorter than the other 2 simply because I didn't want to forget to post it and have it sit around forever like it did before. The rest of it should come quicker than this did but finals are in the horizon so it may be hard. Thanks again ❤


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2015 ⏰

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