Drowning In Lust

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I yawned as I stretched my arms and legs out. I kicked back my duvet and pulled back my curtains, bright and early on a February morning; 6am to be precise. There was frost on my car, which could easily be fixed later, when it was time to leave. Today I was heading to Essex, to film some scenes for our upcoming 4D tour. Me and the boys were filming a backdrop for one of our singles, Take A Chance On Me. It was going to be and underwater scene, which we were filming whilst wearing suits, which would be interesting.

After finishing a bowl of chocolate lucky charm cereals, my absolute favourites; I jumped in the shower to freshen up a bit, even though I'd soon be covered in chlorine. I washed my hair and body, then jumped out and pulled on some joggers and a hoodie, since I'd be getting changed when I got to Essex.

When I reached the swimming pool in Essex, JB was just heading inside. I was going to shout him, but the doors had already closed behind him. As I was pulling my laptop case out of the passenger side of the car, Marvin pulled up next to me.

"Morning" I greeted him.

"Morning" he yawned.

"You tired?" I chuckled. He nodded. I never seemed to get tired when we had to get up early for work; I guess I was used to it after all these years.

"So, just play up to the camera like you normally would do in an average photo shoot; and remember to stay close to the surface and come up for air when you need to" the director explained to  us. I wasn't really paying attention; one of the lifeguards had attracted my gaze. She was absolutely stunning; she sat on a high chair, overlooking the pool. She was chatting to a male lifeguard who stood by the side of her chair. They seemed to be laughing and flirting a lot; I hoped they weren't an item, I'd ask her on a date if she was single.. She sure was banging. She looked over at me and caught me staring. She smiled and giggled at me, making me blush. I awkwardly looked away, and back at the director, trying to pay attention.

I sighed, about to jump in the pool. The suit I was wearing was quite nice, so I was a bit annoyed I had to ruin it in the pool; maybe our stylist could pick another one up for me. I jumped in nevertheless, and shivered as the cool water soaked through the suit to my skin, immediately giving my goosebumps.

"Okay Aston, are you ready?" the director asked. I turned around to face him and nodded. I glanced up at the lifeguard I was looking at earlier, the one in the chair; she was staring down at me, watching my every move. I decided I was going to show off a bit.. I ducked under the water, and straight away started playing up to the camera. I was doing underwater back flips and rolls, and it was turning out to be quite an enjoyable filming session!

As I looped round backwards, near the end of my filming, my foot got caught in something. I looked to where my feet were to see my foot tangled in a cable from the underwater cameras. I panicked and shook my foot about, resulting in it becoming more entangled. I couldn't free myself; I started panicking more, and going lightheaded. I could hear the boys laughing above the surface. Did they find this funny?! Their laughter stopped as soon as I heard a splash. I looked up, my vision blurry from the chlorine, and because I was going lightheaded from the lack of oxygen. I could see a figure; wearing red; heading towards me. What was happening? I was confused. I felt soft skin against my feet; at least it felt like skin. Was it fish? Was I dreaming? No; it wasn't fish, it felt like hands. Was I being untangled? I grew dizzier and dizzier, until I blacked out.

I could hear people shouting and panicking around me. What was happening? I felt soft lips being pressed against mine. Woah; who was kissing me? Was I still asleep? Was this a dream? I slowly opened my eyes to see one of the most beautiful beings I had ever seen in my life. I was just about to speak when I felt a liquid rise up from my stomach. I turned onto my side and threw up onto the floor. I remembered now; I'd got stuck in the swimming pool. This beautiful girl must have pulled me out.. She was my lifesaver.

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