Chapter 23. Ambivalent

Start from the beginning

“But we can continue if that’s what you want.”

“No. . . I really want to sleep,” I lied, offering my left hand once more with an insistent no-nonsense look. This time, she took it.

Without another word Talia went to bed, inviting me with a stare as she covered herself with a silk blanket that matched the color of her eyes. “Are you coming or not?” she asked.

With a sigh, I followed her there, basking on the warmth her skin provided under the blanket. I almost forgot that she wasn’t wearing anything but that nightgown. Which you ripped when you were lusting after her in your sleep, my mind cajoled. Talia moved sideways, staring at me with concern.

“What were you dreaming of anyway?”

“Not you,” I blurted before I could stop myself.

“So it’s about another woman then?” she snapped. “Because clearly you were ready to have sex.”

Uh-oh. I should have thought about that first when I answered her. Now she was scowling and I was being a jerk. Great going Cybele, you pissed her off. Time to defuse the ticking bomb before it sets off. “Okay, you got me. I was dreaming of you.” She beamed at my admittance. “But it wasn’t what you were thinking of. It was a totally innocent dream, back when we were kids. You know that time when we were playing hide-and-seek.”

“Whatever Cybele,” she muttered, rolling to the other direction. “Don’t take me for a fool.” Reaching to the lamp beside her, Talia closed it with a snap, making the room pitch black. I could barely see the outline of her fragile body beside me, though I could hear her soft breathing and feel her warmth.

“Can I. . . Can I touch you?” I whispered. She didn’t answer. After a couple of minutes, I assumed that she was already asleep. What was wrong with me? Talia kept on offering herself and each time I had to deny her. When it comes to this woman, I was such a scaredy cat. Teasing her when we were back on the fortress was one thing. Now that I had to face the fact that I was really in love with her, the strong and brave Cybele turns into mush. Oh great Athena, please help me.

“Are you still awake?” she asked. I nearly jumped off the bed. I thought she was already zonked out. Relax. Relax. Relax. It was just her.


“Please embrace me.” Her voice was small. Fragile. All the irritation from earlier gone. “I keep thinking that people would take me away from you again.”

My arms were around her in a second. “That won’t happen. I won’t let it.”

“But if it does, will you come rescue me again?”

“In a heartbeat.” My grip tightened around her and she molded herself to me. God. . . Her lavender scent was so relaxing. Couldn’t we just stay like this forever? Maybe. But that wouldn’t happen unless I made it so. “Talia?”


“Would you like to go with me one of these days?”

Kidnapping The Princess  (Editing For Publication) (lesbian, girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now