Cancelled Plans and The Third Exam

Start from the beginning

"why are you acting like this Darci. it's these Konaha brats isn't it. good thing i have something in mind for them and the rest of the village" daddy hissed.

i snapped my head to my father.

"what are you planning daddy?" i hissed.

"you don't need to know" daddy said.

"yes i do need to know. either cancel you plans or i'll tell the Hokage where everyone of your bases are" i threatend.

"would you do that to your father?" daddy asked.

"dad, just call the plan off. i live here now, you did and so did mum. if you destroy this place you destroy her spirit and if you destroy her spirit you destroy me" i said.

daddy looked at me for a while.

"only because you are my daughter and i love you so much just as i still love you mother. i call it off, for you" daddy said.

we both stood up and he hugged me.

i hugged daddy back and then he melted into the ground.

i sighed and walked back to the village.

i walked through the shops and i stopped and saw this really pretty braclet.

i looked at the price and nodded my head thoughtfully.

'not that expensive. i'll buy it'  i thought.

i grabbed it and walked up to the conter.

i paid for it and i walked out.

i spotted a lovely necklace that had a sakura flower as the main gem.

'for Sakura' i thought.

i ended up buying things for my whole team, including Kakashi and Shika.

i looked at the time and saw it was 10 to 12.

i ran to the stadium where te chuunin exams were being held.

i ran in and i found Sakura, Naruto and Shika in the middle of the ring.

i appeared next to them in a puff of smoke.

"Darci! do you know where Sasuke and Kakashi sensei are?" Naruto asked.

"Kakashi is most likely putting Sasuke through some more training and will end up being late" i said.

"yeah" Sakura agreed.

"i radomly bought you all presents, including you Shika, but i'll give them to you after the chuunin exams so they won't break" i said.

"you, Darci, why are you down here?" Genma asked.

"can't i say good luck to my team and my brother?" i asked atcing innocent as possible.

Genma narrowed his eyes at me.

for some reason Genma knows who my father is.

he doesn't trust me or think that i should be alive.

i don't care though becuase i have other friends who accept me for me.

 "we'll i have got to go and talk to the Hokage. bye guys" i said.

they nodded and i dissapeared ith Genma looking at me supisiously.

i appeared next to the Hokage who was startled.

"Darci, i wasn't expecting you to be here" Lord Hokage explained.

"well, i thought i should infron you that my father had something planned but i got him to pull out of it. i don't know what it was so i can't tell you." i explained.

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