100 facts about Harry Styles

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1. He once said, "Until I find the perfect girl, I have Louis"
2.His favorite color is blue and orange.
3.His favorite animal is turtle.
4.He lives in Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, England.
5.He loves cats.
6.If Harry is truly interested in a fan, he will stop to talk to her. Get her name. Twitter name. andsay "I love you"l before he walks away.
7.Harry is afraid to get a girlfriend, because he doesn't want to upset his fans.
8.harry once had the urge to kiss a fan when he met her.
9.Harry came up with the name "One Direction"
10.Harry has 4 nipples.
11.Harry's perfect girl has a good sense of humor, cute, and is loyal.
12.Harry wants to name his first daughter "Darcy"
13.Harry wants a girl that makes him "Weak at his knees"
14.Harry wants a girl shorter than him.
15.Harry finds giggling a major turn on.
16.Harry always kisses on the first date.
17.Harry will find you 110 times more attractive if you smile.
18.Harry sleeps naked.
19.Harry wants Louis to be his best man at his wedding.
20.Liam once said that the cure for Direction infection was to kiss Harry.
21.According to Louis, Harry looks like Susan Boyle.
22.If Harry was a girl, the first thing he would do is grab his boobs.
23.Harry thinks it's cute when girls look, then look away thing.
24."Harry is an amazing flirt, he's near seduced me very often. Dang it." -Louis
25.Harry prefers curvy girls.
26.Harry carries at least 3 Twix with him where ever he goes.
27.Harry and Louis are like an old married couple.
28.Harry wants a girl that doesn't know how much she deserves.
29.Harry hates mixed signals.
30.Harry's favorite album is "21″ by Adele.
31.Harry was the woman of the flat him and Louis shared.
32.Harry likes being naked, even if he has company.
33."My Harry isn't an afro. It's.... sex hair. It's sex hair.' -Harry
34.If Harry really loved a girl, he'd get an excuse to kiss her every five minutes.
35.If you squeal or scream in front of Harry, he will automatically think you're annoying.
36.Harry hates smoking and drugs.
37.Harry usually sleeps with a blanket he has had since he was little.
38.Harry's first autograph was to Louis.
39.Harry's first word was cat.
40.Harry says his hair is bipolar. Some days it's straight. Others it's curly.
41.Harry's mum says he's a romantic.
42.Harry doesn't understand why girls find him attractive.
43.Harry's hair was straight when he was little.
44.Harry wants to get married and have kids.
45.Harry wants a younger girlfriend, so he can "show her the ropes of life"
46.Harry gets annoyed if he is on the phone with Louis and Louis doesn't say "I love you" before hanging up.
47.Harry's favorite food is sweet corn.
48.His favorite drink is apple juice.
49.Harry's band mates have said Harry has soft hands.
50.Harry's favorite movies are Titanic, Love Actually, and The Notebook<3
51.Harry can juggle.
52. Harry plays kazoo.
53.Harry has never been kissed under mistletoe.
54.Harry can't get a girlfriend that he can spoil.
55.Harry wants to study law, sociology, and business.
56.Zayn-"If Louis was a girl, I'd date her." Harry-"WHAT?! He's mine!!'
57.Harry was giving a fan a piggy back ride, then asked her friend if she would like one and her friend said she was to fat. Harry got angry at the comment and told she wasn't and to get on his back.
58.Harry played hide & seek with a small group of fans.
59.If Harry sees someone hating on the boys, he is really nice to them and shut them up with sarcasm.
60.Harry's shoe size is 10 and 1/2
61.The boys played a trick on Harry and told him that Zyn was leaving One Direction. Harry started crying.
62.Harry said that the best thing about being in a boy band was "girls"
63.Harry and Ed Sheeran were building a lego house in the dressing room before the teen choice awards.
64.Harry's favorite song from "Up All Night" is Moments.
65.Harry loves America and wants to move there one day.
66.Harry doesn't like it when a girls bones are sticking out.
67.Harry once set up a candle light picnic on a bridge for a girl that never showed up.
68.Harry doesn't find himself attractive.
69.Harry loves being romantic.
70.Harry and Zayn are so close now.. They have their own secret language.
71.Harry says he loves Louis like he loves his mom and the other boys are like his brothers... Exept Niall. That's his sister.
72.harry lies about his favorite movie and tells everyone that it's Fight Club so he doesn't get made fun of.
73.Harry loves back massages.
74.When Harry thinks about dating a grl, the first thing he thinks is "would my parents like her?'
75.Harry's full name is Harold Edward Styles.
76.Harry's idea of a romantic date is a bike ride on a tandem bike.
77."Would you rather kiss a girl or eat pizza?" Harry-"KISS A GIRL!!" Niall-"EAT PIZZA!!!"
78.Harry has ridden a motorbike naked before.
79.Harry got a fans number at a signing.
80.Harry set Louis and Elanor up (They are not together anymore).
81.Harry and Louis have matching blue and pink blankets.
82.Louis was planking on a railing but Harry ran over and pulled him back because he was scared he was gonna fall.
83.Harry's facebook name used to be 'Harry Nugget Styles'
84.Harry had his first kiss at 11.
85.Harry never played pokemon until the boys introduced him to it.
86.Harry and Ed Sheeran have nicknames for each other.. Potter and Weasley.
87.Harry thinks it's cute when girls where soccer jersey's.
88.Harry is still waiting for his passionate kiss in the rain.
89.Harry and Louis sometimes call each other pumpkin.
90.Harry says the boys are like, "cheeky guys, you know at school."
91.Harry can speak fluent French.
92.Harry says that most of his girlfriends were blondes, but a nice brunette is good too.
93.Harry prefers quit dates at home, or meals so he can get to know the girl properly.
94.Harry wants a girl that doesn't take everything to seriously and has fun!
95.Harry's bio used to be, "I'm here now, what are your other two wishes?"
96.Harry only looks through his timeline on twitter, not his mentions.
97.Harry likes calling his girl baby or sweetheart.
98. Harry and Niall helped write "Gotta Be You"
99.The boys say that Harry is great at giving hugs.
100.When the boys were in Ireland, Harry spent the whole time putting on an Irish accent.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2014 ⏰

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