The Normal One

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The Normal One :- Chapter 1

"Hey Dusty." Natsuo said with his finger in his ear. "You see the new girl here at school? She seems really.....normal."

"My name is not Dusty its Smokey!" Smokey was jogging on the spot before collapsing on to the ground to do some push ups.

"Bah, normal!" Apurval grumbled as he always did.

"Yep, she seems very normal indeed." Natsuo scratched himself in his nether regions as he spoke. "She is introducing herself to people. Her name is Sandy. Say you should talk to her Dusty, have kids and stuff. Dusty and Sandy kissing in a tree....."

"My name is Smokey not Dusty!" Smokey said as he did push ups with only his right arm.

"Bah introducing yourself! Bah!!"

Smiley, the mute kid giggled to himself in the corner as a skinny nerd walked up to them all with a grin.

"Good day to you all young gentlemen of the school. And how does this most sombre of days impose itself upon you all? In a most delightful manner I presume."

"Hi Decadence." Natsuo picked his nose thoughtfully. "Or is it Eloquence today? You and all your multiple personalities. It's hard to keep up."

"Why it is I, Eloquence, dear freind whom I share this most humble existence with. Who else would I be? How does your day proceed, Barrack Obama?"

"Bah! Barrack Obama. Bah!!"

Smiley let out another giggle, but no one else laughed with him.

Natsuo scratched himself again. "I am alright. Being President of the world is real tough these days. Say have you met the new girl? She seems really..... normal."

"A normal one dear Barrack? And why is this so strange? Are we not all but normal creatures cast upon an abnormal stage referred to as Life?" Eloquence had made the universal sign of quotation as he said Life.

"I suppose," Natsuo was scratching his posterior by now. "I told Snowy he should talk to her. Introduce himself and stuff, as she is introducing herself to everyone. Sandy and Snowy kissing in a tree....."

"I'm not Snowy!" Smokey corrected Natsuo with the same slightly peeved but too absorbed in keeping fit attitude as he had always done in the past. " I'm Smokey!" He was standing up by now and boxing his shadow on the ground.

"Bah, snow. Bah!!" Apurval showed true disgust on his face.

"Sorry snowy." Natsuo picked his nose and pointed with his other hand. "Hey look, there's the normal girl over there!"

"Wow she's hot!" Apurval exclaimed before realising everyone was looking at him strangely. "......bah! She's hot! Bah!!"

Smiley giggled again.

"She has a very cheerful disposition. Is that....normal?"

"Bah! Normal cheerful dispositons! Bah!"

"Ahh the lovely young lady does approach us...."Eloquence rubbed his hands together with glee. "Let us commune with her using thought provoking dialect shall we?"

The beautiful girl seemed hesitant as she approached, but faked a smile anyway. "Ummm hello everyone, how are you?"

Natsuo pulled his finger out of his mouth as he replied. "Woah, woah! This is the school for weird kids, didn't you know that? You seem too normal for this school. I mean, your a very feminine female. Whats up with that? If you don't start acting weird soon your gonna attract the bullies!"

The young girl became worried. "Bullied? But I am just trying to make friends!"

"Bah, trying to make friends on her first day! Bah, what a weirdo!"

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