Chapter 5

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A/N: I tried to make the first part of this chapter a bit sexier but I discovered I would never be able to write a decent erotic scene. I think erotic stories are not just about vivid descriptions of things, there has to be elegance to how its written. And I can't do that. Haha! Anyway, this is where I had to adjust one of the biggest moments in Endgame since I am not a fan of the ending they gave Steve. Enjoy!


Contrary to popular belief, Steve had been with a woman before. He did not understand why the world assumed he was a virgin. But he would not dare waste his time and energy to argue his case. His previous intimacies, while provided him with physical pleasure, lacked the one important thing that mattered to him when it came to sex --- emotional connection. No amount of physical high was enough to compensate for the disconnect.

That was why his first time with Natasha last night was more of an overload of emotional pleasure, than physical. The physical pleasure seemed to have been just a byproduct of their connection in a deeper, intangible level.

He was leaving a trail of wet kisses along her stomach and below her navel when he noticed something. He reached for her left hipbone and caressed its surprisingly smooth skin.

"Yeah, I've been wondering about that, too," Natasha said. She propped herself up on her elbows and looked down at him.

"Well, it makes sense, if the stone really gave you a new body," Steve said.

"Yeah, crushed skull and broken spine," Natasha said and touched the back of her head. She then became lost in her thoughts. It pained Steve to see her like that, like she was still questioning if she really was alive, why she lived again, and worse, if she should be even here.

Steve kissed the spot where her scar used to be and said, "You'd really look terrible in a bikini now."

That seemed to snap her from her contemplation. She smirked and said, "Well, I could ask Barnes to shoot me again, if you like."

"Nat, no," Steve promptly said because he panicked a bit that Natasha might not be kidding after all. Natasha laughed at the fright in his face. Steve sighed and laughed at himself, too. He launched himself on her and his weight brought Natasha to crash back on the bed. He laid on top of her and because she was still laughing he could feel the muscles in her diaphragm shook underneath him.

He brushed the hair on her face and rested his forehead on hers. She finally stopped laughing.

"I'm in love with you," Steve whispered.

Natasha did not respond but her eyes were immediately glazed with tears and before they could escape, she pulled him down for a deep kiss.

On the surface, the physical aspect of that night seemed normal to him but then there it was, that intangible and almost elusive feeling of all, overwhelming him, overpowering the thousand sensory nerves overloading in his body. How could he be both so present, so in the moment, and yet still be utterly lost in her, with her, that suddenly they were one and the same person?

Being with Natasha was way beyond anything he ever thought or hoped for. Nothing surely would ever be better than that. And with that thought, Steve felt a sudden panic creeping in.

He suddenly realized that he almost never had that night with her, and realizing how close he was to never knowing how perfect it was to be with her weakened him to his core. He quickly wrapped her in his arms, hugged her tight, and started to sob in her neck that it startled Natasha.

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