My girls would forever and always be my world.

And they would always and I mean always come first.

Alena's parents also decided to start staying in the house we lived in before moving to Kensington when they were in London. They made it clear after the birth of their granddaughter, they'd be here more often.

They invited us for dinner and it was always nice to talk to them.

"How have you been feeling, Amie?" Athena asked her daughter as we sat down at the dining room table

"Almost seven months pregnant." she answered with a smile, "Other than the swollen feet and backaches, I've been feeling good. We can't wait to meet our girl."

Athena nodded, "What about you, Archie?"

"Just feeling really excited." I answered her question

"So, do we have a name picked out?" Simon wondered

I looked over at Alena and she looked at me.

We both nodded.

"Go get the binder, please." Alena asked me

I walked into the foyer and grabbed the pink binder. It was where we were putting everything about our daughter from her name and nursery ideas to changing our wills.

We opened to the name section and turned to the second to last page.

"Our top three names were Isla, Cecilia, and Aurora." Alena read to her parents, "And we chose, actually you should guess."

"Cecilia since it's your grandmother's name." my Dad guessed and my Mom agreed with him

I looked at Alena and she turned the page.

"We chose Isla, but spelled A-i-y-l-a because everyone kept saying is-luh instead of eye-la." she announced excitedly,"Isn't it gorgeous?"

Her Mom nodded, "I love it! Keeping with the A's huh? What about middle names?"

"Her Dad can take that question." Alena looked over at me

"Aiyla Beatrice Frances Clifford." I spoke proudly, "We chose Beatrice because it means she who brings happiness along with it being Athen's middle name and Frances because it was my mother's name."

Both of her parents had this blissful look on their faces.

"We're so happy for you. It's like right when I become an empty nester, I have something to fill the void." Athena grinned, "I can't wait to spoil our little Aiyla."

"Yeah, we just gotta get to work on the nursery." I nodded

"It'll come together." Alena assured me

The rest of the dinner with Alena's parents went really well. They talk about how when the baby came they would come to live in London for a month or a little more.

I'm sure we would appreciate the help so much.

In the month of April, we also celebrated my sister's wedding.

Even though it wasn't in Westminster Abbey, it brought back all of the feels from our own wedding day from a year ago.

I looked over at Alena as the choir sang some songs.

I lightly took her hand and she slowly turned her head to me.

"Are you alright?" I whispered to her

She was seven months pregnant in a church full of people wearing heels.

"Yeah." she responded. She moved my hand to her stomach and I could feel Aiyla kicking or doing whatever she was in there.

I smiled as I felt her.

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