stargazing // mocaran

276 9 3

detective!ran x assistant!moca au
i don't know much about detectives so yeah this will be incorrect
this oneshot doesn't get involved with them being detectives and such besides a few references, so i might making another soon

Ran hasn't really considered looking at the stars. she's always heard it in romance novels and movies, but thought it would be boring to just sit at stars that weren't moving. she didn't think any differently until she found out her assistant, Moca Aoba, liked the stars.

"hello? Ran, you there?" Ran snapped out of thought when she saw Moca in front of her snapping her fingers. "you've been sitting here for a while." Ran looked at the clock to her left and realized it was 1:28 am on the dot. "get to bed. i bet you're tired because of this case, eh?" Moca walked away and Ran realized how much she sounded like her dad. she mumbled that she was coming, and went to her and Moca's bedroom.

she laid in bed but after about 30 minutes have passed, she realized she couldn't sleep. the unsolved case kept making her toss and turn and she began to feel even more frustrated. it doesn't matter, she thought, go to sleep.

she eventually fell asleep with difficulty, but only a couple minutes later she heard doors creaking and wind slightly blowing in her ear. she shivered and tried to turn away when she didn't feel Moca's presence anymore. she opened her eyes realized she wasn't there.

she got up quickly and did a quick search around the rooms, and she still wasn't there. she then heard a door creaking loudly in their room. she rushed in there to find the door swaying in the wind that led to a balcony. she was a shadowed figure there.

"what are you doing up here?" she asked as she went outside. the wind blew against her skin and she felt goosebumps forming on her arms.

"enjoying the view," Moca said as the wind picked up a bit, causing her white hair to blow in the wind. Ran's first thought was, she looks oddly nice up here. she scratched that thought and led on the balcony with Moca, and leaned up against the wood rails.

they shared an intense, silent moment with each other. it wasn't awkward or anything, it felt comfortable and oddly soothing to be in the presence of each other.

"the stars are beautiful, aren't they? hot gasses just in the galaxy, waiting to be stared at. stars are made of different elements, i bet. possibly hydrogen. but when they're together in groups, it's absolutely stunning." Moca grinned at Ran in the corner of her eye but continued to stare at the sky.

Ran was surprised at Moca's rambling about the stars, but she was content with it. she found it oddly nice to listen to Moca ramble about her secret interest.

"they are oddly beautiful." Ran whispered as she leaned more into the rails to get a slightly closer look at the sky. she secretly wanted to admire Moca without being too suspicious though.

"admiring the view, Ran?" Moca teased as she glanced at Ran to realize she was staring at her. Ran blushed but realized it was the perfect time to tease back.

"the view is amazing from what I can tell." Ran chuckled as she saw Moca's expression turn from mischief to being lowkey embarrassed. she laughed it off though.

Ran only begun to realize that they were closer now. their noses were barely touching and their fingertips were lightly pressed onto the others. Ran didn't feel uncomfortable with this, however. it somehow felt natural, like they've been doing this for years.

"i've known you for years, haven't i? we've done so many things together. we've solved so many crimes together. you've.. always been there for me. that one time when you helped me escape from that robber. it made realize how much i-"

Ran was cut off by the connection of her and Moca's lips. Moca rested her hand on Ran's cheek to pull them closer together and ran his thumb down her cheek affectionally. Ran's heartbeat quickened each second the kiss lasted.

after a few seconds, their lips lost connection. both of their faces were a light pink and Ran was slightly trembling at the shock.

"that was... eventful." Moca chuckled as she scratched the back of her neck. "it was nice though." Ran smiled.

they stared at each other for a few seconds until they both decided to head inside. they both laid in bed, once again staring at each other.

"we should totally do that again." Moca smiled as Ran rolled her eyes. "we will." Moca lifted an eyebrow up and gave Ran a kiss on the mouth.

they both fell asleep in each other's embrace.

i never even kissed somebody before why am i

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2020 ⏰

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