Part 1

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Fourteen Years Ago.......
A baby was born from the genetics of the man and the woman. He went to take the baby to start training her with his power. He walked into the room to see the baby and mother gone from the bed. He threw a fit and took his rage out on his league of villains leader,Shirgaimi.
Somewhere in Near Tokyo.....
A woman stood in front of a new apartment holding her little girl. She would raise this girl to learn bad from good. She would raise this girl to be a hero.
Twelve Years Ago.......
A little girl ran around her apartment playing superhero. She show signs of greatness. She had a quirk that clone other quirks. She was very powerful about controlling her quirk. She had just clone her best friends power, Air. The little girl sat on the table while her mother handed her food to her. The little girl looked at her mother and asked, " Momma why don't I have a dad?" The mother looked at the little girl and answered, " Sweetie, your father is a bad man. If he ever finds you and tries to use you for being a villain. You disobey him okay. You become his worse enemy l, a superhero." The little girl smiled and nodded. She went back to her food and continue eating.
Nine Years Ago.....
The mother sat in the house waiting for her daughter to arrive home. She heard the door and answered it. She looked up and saw the one person she never wanted to see again. She ran towards her room but the man grabbed her and threw her on the couch. He tied her up and heard the door. He looked and seen a little girl came into the apartment. The little girl seen her mother tied up and looked scared. The man grabbed her and put her next to her mother. He yelled, " You took her from me. Why?" The girl's mother looked at him and answered, " You a villain. I didn't want my daughter raised like that." The man shook with anger and stabbed her mother. The little girl scream with fear and anger. The man grabbed her and took off into the night.

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