A Real Justin Bieber Love Story Chapter 1

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I wake up with a quick shake in the middle of the night. My room is dark and quiet, same as always. There is no other noise in the house, other then the steady hum of my ceiling fan. At first, I was unaware of why I was awake. But then I thought about my dream. You visited me in my dreams once again. You and I were sitting alone in a room with no windows and no doors. Just me and you, smiling, laughing, talking. At first, I thought there could be no end to this perfect setting, that I could continue to gaze into your eyes and not have a care in the world. But then again, everything ends sooner or later. Abruptly you stop laughing and stare at me, your eyes look worried and scared. You grab my waist quickly, almost frantically, and lean in to kiss me. I close my eyes and wait for the perfect feeling of our lips together. Only, the feeling didnt come, and it never does. I open my eyes and see you fading out of view, and being sucked into the black smoke coming from behind the spot where you were once standing. Just as I go to call out for you, I wake up. I've had this same dream almost every night for the past six days. Seeing you in my dreams was the only way you visit me now-a-days. Its the only time I get to think back and remember what we use to have with each other before you packed up, and sped away to chase your dreams. And who was I to hold you back from that? My heart aches to think that I may never have that with you again.

I lay back down, close my eyes, and try to salvage the most sleep I can before starting the new day. I turn over in my bed and stare at the silver picture frame on my nightstand table. Its a picture of you and I on one of your last days with me. You gave it to me as a present, probably knowing you were leaving me. You looked so happy in this picture. And you were doing the thing I loved most. You were smiling with your eyes. Your eyes were full of joy and warm welcoming. I was beside you, looking bland next to you. I was looking up at your face, smiling. I couldnt help but smile around you, it was such a simple thing to do. On the bottom of the frame, the words "I'll always remember you." are engraved in it. I missed you more then I ever thought I would ever have to. I grabbed the picture off my nightstand and turned the frame around. On the back, in black sharpie, was the last note I ever got from you. "I promise you. -Justin". I ran my fingers over the black ink, trying to bring back anything from the past that would so much as comfort me back to sleep. I place the picture frame on the table again but this time face down. I turned back over and stared out my window at the small sliver of moon and just before closing my eyes I prayed, hoped, and wished that you were doing the same.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2010 ⏰

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A Real Justin Bieber Love Story Chapter 1Where stories live. Discover now