Chapter 2 - A Snap Back Into Reality

Start from the beginning

My action made his face turn serious as he squeezed tomato paste in my face, making me screech whipping my face. I stumbled my hand over the counter looking for something to throw back, when I found a bowl of water… it will do. I splashed the water all over him, as he threw me over his shoulder shaking me around like a rag doll. That’s when Austin suddenly walked in pissed. “THE FUCK IS GOING ON IN HERE?” he shouted pulling me down and to his side. Our laughter cut off immediately Alex looked at the floor in guilt. Before I could speak up Austin took a tight grip on my arm yanking me up the stairs. My confusing piled up when he kicked the door open pushing me inside. “Are you stupid? Like seriously is there something wrong with you?” he questioned harshly.

“He he was j justt doing me a favour w we we were making food, and we got talking” I stuttered disheartened. “Quit stuttering its annoying as fuck… and for your information that wasn’t Alex’s place to do that! You could of gotten us in trouble do you realise that!” he shouted getting all in my face, once again making me feel insecure. “Can’t we just have a conversation without you getting mad and acting like a dick!” my voice raised fed up with his attitude. “Oh yeah I’m the dick I could of just put you back in that room but I didn’t! Think about that and be grateful before you start getting bitchy!” he groaned his grip still tight on my arm. “Screw you!” I shouted pushing him away which angered him, he suddenly darted across the room pushing me against the wall.

“I bet you would love to screw me wouldn’t you… sorry to disappoint you babe but you’ve got no chance getting any of this!” he gloated his body pressed against mine, his words making me feel sick. His face leaned in our eyes locked on each other. Austin licked his plump lips and brushed them past mine to my ear. “Go clean yourself up you’re a mess, I’m going to let this go but only because I’m already in a bad mood” he released me away from his grip walking towards his bed. I stood amazed that he was actually decided to let this go.

“GO! Before I lose my nerve once again” he pointed towards the bathroom door. Not wanting to get into another argument I rushed myself inside slamming the door behind me. After freshening myself up I shuffled my way back into Austin’s room. I turned to see him sprawled across his bed in only his boxers reading an adult magazine. “UGHH… what the heck are you doing?” my eyes widened viewing the sight ahead. “Looking at naked girls obviously… why you so surprised I’m a guy!” he laid awkwardly flicking through the magazine a smirk across his face.

I stood uncomfortably across the room standing in my towel, I’d forgotten I hadn’t been given a change of clothes. “Uhh Austin… would I be able to get some clothes to wear?” I questioned my voice quite stressing over how he’d reply. “Nope…” he spoke up popping the ‘p’. “You’re going to stay in that all day” he slipped off the bed making his way towards me. Feeling incredibly vulnerable my grip tightened onto the towel. Austin pushed past heading towards his draws. He fished through his top draw once he found something he handed it over.

My hand reached out to take hold of the shirt when our hands touched. His skin felt like electricity was being flowed through me. For the first time we’d touched in a non-violent, forceful way. I felt it a need, once my skin had touched his I wanted it to happen again. His dark eyes looked onto mine I found myself lost into their mysterious content. Why was he so hard to read?

I broke our eyes contact feeling the tension build when he moved closer to me. I slowly backed away swallowing the lump in my throat, when my legs abruptly hit the back of the bed. Suddenly feeling defenceless his pushed me back onto the mattress, his exposed body hovered over mine. Lifting the towel he raised my leghis fingers running circles in my inner thigh driving me wild, I couldn’t stand him five minutes ago. Before I could push him away he began kissing me on the neck, ear lobes and other erogenous zones getting me in the mood completely.

Austin’s hot hand grabbed firmly at my hips. He began using his tongue, teeth, lower and upper lips.Pulling me closer to his body his heat radiating off his soft skin, looking deep into my eyes. “I fuck sluts like you every week!” he breathed into my ear, making me snap back into reality. What I thought I was just going to be another girl on his screwed list. I slapped his cheek instantly regretting my action, he was a hell of a lot stronger than me.

“How pathetic!” he shouted pinning my arms above my head, making me wriggle about in his hold. “One person gives you the truth and you freak out… we all know you’re a slut come do your job” he pushed himself onto me hard suffocating me. My mind was spinning like crazy he was too heavy and way too strong for me to push off. “N N NO! S STOP.. Get off” the words stumbled out not making any sense. “What did I tell you about that stuttering shit!” he growled tugging at the towel.

“Enough man!” Alex shouted from the hallway, looking in from the door left wide open. Austin slowly slide off mumbling something to himself. “Your job isn’t to force yourself on her… it’s to kill her and I’m not going to remind you again!” Alex shouted storming off.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2014 ⏰

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