
His voice snapped him out of his thoughts, "Oh. . . I was just. . . Wondering what you needed."

"Oh! I almost forgot! The Hephaestus cabin is having a party tonight and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me." His blue eyes were full of hope.

"Y-you mean like as your date?" All thoughts of the vial were swept aside.

"Well, if you're not ready to "come out" yet, I understand. We could just go as friends if you want." Will sat on the bed next to him.

Nico stared down at his hands, trying to sort through his thoughts. Sure, Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Jason, Coach Hedge and Reyna knew. . . And the entire Apollo cabin. . . And they'd all been supportive, but that didn't mean everyone else would.  "I'm just afraid of what people would think."

Will wrapped his arm around his shoulder, pulling him towards him and kissed him on the forehead, "I know, it's okay, I'm ready whenever you are, I'll wait however long you need."

Nico's eyes widened, "Really?"

"Of course, Nico."

"I-I don't think I'm ready. . . Yet."

Will nodded, "But you'll come with me?"

"Yeah, okay."

Will's face broke into a smile so wide thar Nico found himself momentarily wondering where the rest of his face went, and then his face disappeared as Will threw his arms around him and crushed him in a bear-hug.

"You don't have to get that excited. . . It's just me." he mumbled into Will's shirt, embarrassed.

"But you're everything to me." Will didn't let go.


Will's laugh rumbled through his chest and he kissed Nico on top of his head, "Just accept it, Neeks."

Nico reluctantly wrapped his arms around Will, who smiled even bigger than before and buried his face in the Italian's hair. Nico couldn't hold back his own smile as Will held him.

"When's the party?" Nico asked.

"Sometime around midnight I guess." He lifted Nico's face to his and gave him a soft kiss, making him blush. "You're cute." He told him, a smile flitting over his lips.

"Shut up." Nico said, leaning his forehead against Will's.

"You didn't deny it." He said smugly.

Nico's eyes widened. "No. Will-"

"Just admit it." He kissed Nico on the nose.

"Will, I am not cute."

"Yes you are." He planted a new kiss along Nico's cheekbone with every word. Nico closed his eyes as he kissed down his face.

"But. . ."

Will smiled as he kissed Nico on the lips again, "No buts." He started kissing down his boyfriend's neck, "I love you."

Nico tilted his head back, giving Will, more exposure to his neck. Electricity sparked wherever Will's lips moved against his skin and his heart flipped at his words, He loves me? The idea seemed absolutely absurd, Will was basically the definition of perfect; with his tanned skin, wavy blonde hair, angelic blue eyes and athletic build, and Nico was just so. . . Average.

Will trailed his lips back to Nico's, kissing him softly, telling him with every caress what he couldn't with words, moving his hands up Nico's back under his shirt, making him gasp. All of his doubts vanished, and it was just him and Will. He would've told Will that he loved him too, he would have screamed it from the top of his lungs for everyone to hear in that moment, but he didn't want to pull away, not even for a second.

Heart Beat (Willco/Solangelo & Caleo)Where stories live. Discover now