Dandy's Soul

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A/N OH MY GOD GUYS! I can't believe 200 people have actually read something that I have written! You guys are flippin amazing! And for that, here is another one shot about the last episode! WARNING, if you have not watched all the episodes to "Freakshow", I must warn you, there will be spoilers! You have been warned! Love you freaks and I hope you enjoy~! -Nikki

"I WANT TO GO HOME!", Dandy stood in the emptied tank, looking at the loves of his life. "Bette, please, I love you." Her and Dot looked at each other before Bette started to cry. "I HATE YOU. I HATE YOU DANDY MOTT. I NEVER LOVED YOU!", that is when he started to cry. "Why would they do this to him", he thought, "He gave them everything in the World, and they just looked away." "Jimmy, fill it up", whispered Dot as both of them went to go sit infront of the tank. The second they sat down, a pressure was being put on his back... it's cold. He looked up to see the "Lobster Boy" walking away from the valve and sitting next to the rich boy's wives. Triple Tits gave him a smirk and sat on the right of him. They started talking, but Dandy couldn't hear anything, but the water, which was slowly closing in on his head. Breathing started getting harder and harder, until he was fully underwater. Nobody knew it, but he was crying. He wanted to scream, but he was frozen. There was a white light consuming his sight. "Please.. save me clow...", the lifeless body started to float up to the surface.

(After Elsa was killed)

Edward Mordrake's POV

"You are not the one", as soon as I spoke that last word, my head started to burn. What is happening? "Are you okay, hellish one?", the clown came around my shoulder to look into my eyes. "Since you have not been in our group for that long, I have to say that I will get frequent, burning pulses, which usually means there is a new spirit among us. It seems we will be getting a new member tonight", I smirked at our confused clown. Green mist started to fill the room once more and we disappeared into the night.

Twisty's POV

As we appeared back into the humanly world, I got astonished for a moment. I have been here at the place before. The sound of that broken down carousel going round and round, the smell of burnt wood and dried blood, and that devilish looking entrance that lead to the Freakshow from hell. I was back. I took a good look around to see that it has been abandoned. "Do you know what happened here?", I looked up at the two-faced man. "Not to sure, check anywhere on the grounds", we started to float/walk our way into a very fancy tent, seemed to belong to the owner. Nothing. We checked the kitchen tent and also a few of the trailers (which were either filled with booze and feathers) until we camp upon the main tent, going into the mouth of the foresaken demon. Before our very eyes, were bodies, lined up around the tent. This had to be a serial killing.

Suddenly, my eyes widened as I looked up onto the stage to see a tank, filled with water, with that pesky, immature boy floating in it, whom I have come to long for. Not a single word was spoken, every body looked in awe from thee tank, back to Mordrake. He hovered onto the stage and looked around the tank. "Murder, someone murdered this childish mistake", he said loud and clear. It made me somewhat mad that about the boy, but I guess he was right. Mordrake moved even closer to the tank. He smoothed his hand of the glass and made a piercing look. There were small murmurs coming from the back side of his head, he was thinking. A smile grew, maybe this boy that I have only spent a matter of days with, might be joining us for the rest of days. It's silly, I don't even know his name.

There was suddenly a loud roar of "YOU ARE THE ONE"come from the second face, then a second after that, Mordrake smashed open the glass from the tank, spilling the water and lifeless body to the floor. I couldn't say anything, I was just too astonished on what was going on right now. The body just stay there lifeless for a moment, until it's eyes started to blink. "Where... where am I?', his arms pushed him off the ground until he was standing up. "You have been dead for what it seems hours, my brother", Mordrake said. I started to get nervous, what if he did not remember me or forgot about me? He probably didn't even want to remember me.

Before I knew it, he was dried off and was wearing a nice suit and his hair styled, just like the way I last saw him. He looked around before his eyes landed on me. He seemed astonished as I was, but a little hint of confusion in his eyes as well. "Clown?", he asked. I nodded and before I knew it, his arms were around me body, pulling me in for a hug. "I can't believe you are here", he said before exiting the hug. "Yep, it's me kid, in the flesh. Well.. techincally not. You know what I mean", I smiled. "You... you can talk? I have never heard you talk before! And your jaw?!", He smiled ear to ear, as did I.

"Yep, Mordrake gave me my jaw back, but before we start talking more, I never caught your name, kid", I smiled once more. "Dandy... Dandy Mott... and yours clown?", he said, looking into my eyes. "Well my stage name is Twisty, but you can call me George", we couldn't stop smiling. We finally found what we wanted, someone that understood us....

A/N HELLO MY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE! I hope you liked this one shot, because it took me FOREVER (literally), because I didn't know what to write about; since Twisty was dead on the show and Dandy just kept on murdering people -__- Welp, I'm off, I love you all! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2015 ⏰

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