He was putting the rest of his dinner together (a creamy soup of summer vegetables and this really nice cucumber cream he was able to make, and slices of crusty bread he was going to use to soak up the soup), when Dandelion started acting a little funny. After Harry found her, he quickly found out that she was a special bunny, having an intuition that animals usually don't. Previously, she was laid in a little ball on his bed dozing in and out of sleep before she abruptly awoke and began digging at the front door and hopping around in frantic circles. He turned and looked confused at her, not feeling any type of difference in the vibe himself.

"Dande, what's wrong? Are y'alright?" He cooed to her, reaching out and picking her up and to his chest. He rubbed the fur between her ears, hoping to soothe her and bring some sort of comfort to her anxiety ridden body. She seemed to calm down some in his hold, burrowing within his arms and keeping still.

But then Harry felt it.

When he set that protective spell around his land, it gave him the benefit of letting him know when someone would breach it or if an outside threat was getting close. This time, someone was wandering a little too close to the area. Different entities give off different energies, with animals being free to come and go as this was their home long before his, other witches setting off high alarms as their intentions can be easily hidden by their own magic, and humans coming as a dull nagging as they usually couldn't see Harry's home (unless he made himself known first, but that's never happened) due to the spell, anyway. This breach seemed to be that of a human as no dire alarm went off in Harry's head. Usually, Dande wouldn't get so worked up over something like this. Humans typically didn't pose a threat, especially alone, and they couldn't do anything to him anyway. But she seemed so shook up, like this was of the utmost importance. Harry worked to calm her, taking a seat on his bed with her sat on his lap. He rubbed at the fluff around her neck, cooing to her that he wouldn't let anything happen to her.

Then he heard a scream.

It was more of a shout than that of a scream, but the terror in the voice warranted the label of a scream. It seemed to be a female voice, letting out a breathless scream (shout) of Oh my god! Harry's brows furrowed, setting Dandelion down on his bed as he peeked out one of the windows. Outside, pressed against one of the larger trees surrounding his little clearing, was a girl cornered by his Bonnie. He could feel Bonnie's protective anger vibrating off of her as she growled at this terrified girl. And by the looks of it Bonnie didn't want to stop at just scaring her off, instead opting to take care of the problem at the source and making sure she could never be able to come back.

Harry rushed out the front door, letting the screen fall shut as he ran to the mountain lion. He raised his hands towards her in a non-threatening manner, calling her name, "Bonnie! Bonnie! Come here!"

At the sound of Harry's voice, she seemed to instantly relax and forget the girl she was currently cornering. Her claws retracted into the pads of her paws, a purr rumbling through her as she blinked soft, slow blinks at Harry. She rubbed along his torso, gazing lovingly at him. Harry pet at her head, a concerned look on his face. "Thank you for protecting me, love, but I think this might've been the wrong time, huh?"

The cat continued to rub along him and give him kissy eyes. Harry glanced up at the still shaken up girl, placing a few more pets along Bonnie's head. "Y'can go on, Bonnie. I'll take care of it from here."

She listened to him, landing a petite lick on his fingers before walking away with the sway of her tail. Now Harry's attention could be placed fully on the poor girl who looked like she could throw up, pass out, and have a heart attack all at once. Harry kept his hands up in a surrender motion, letting her know he meant no harm as he slowly approached closer.

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