Spells of Despair

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Terry sped through Gotham at high speeds, the city was up in flames and from the looks of it Spellbinder had taken over most of Gotham using that video game. "Terry I've scanned that game disc you uploaded through the car. From the analysis run by the Batcomputer there has been hypnotic suggestions hidden within the game itself, your hunch was right the sound emitted by the radio was what activated the hypnosis," said Bruce. "I'm going to Arkham. Spellbinder is gonna reverse this," says Terry through gritted teeth.

"What makes you think he'll comply," asked Bruce. "He'll comply," said Terry in a voice that made Bruce believe him. "All of Gotham is affected, are you sure you don't want your mother and brother brought to the manor?" asked Bruce with what sounded like concern in his voice. "My mother and brother are protected," answered Terry as he approached the road leading to Arkham Asylum.

"By who?" asked Bruce through the comms link. "Someone I trust," answered Terry cryptically as he slammed onto the breaks and stopped the Batmobile right in front of the demolished gates of Arkham Asylum, "Bruce...Arkham is taken." He opened the hatch of the Batmobile and jumped out, the rain fell hard upon him as he looked at the blazing complex that was demolished. There were inmates running around and the place was in chaos. There were bodies scattered across the courtyard of the institute of doctors and guards.

Lightning cracked through the sky as Batman entered the fray. "It's the Batman!" yelled some inmates as the backed away not wanting to fight the dark knight. Other's...not so much. Inmates in orange Arkham Asylum jumpsuits began swarming Batman. Batman dodged multiple attacks and eventually managed to throw down a smoke bomb clouding his adversaries vision. Detective mode activated in the cowl making it easier to see his enemies. One by one...they fell. Batman turned to face the front doors of the Asylum with determination in his eyes.

The doors exploded off their hinges and a man glowing like a green light-saber exited with his hands encased in green fire. "Blight," snarled Batman with anger and hatred in his eyes. "Batman so good to see you after all this time...love the new look very retro," says Blight as he walks slowly down the steps, "I never did get to thank you for ruining my life!" yelled out Blight as he threw a fireball at Batman.

Batman was quick to roll out of the way avoiding the flames. He threw a batarang at Blight striking him in the shoulder. Batman used the time that Blight was distracted by the pain to rush him and slam his boot into his glowing face knocking him out. "You're moves are getting old Powers," commented Batman before he stepped over his body and entered the Asylum. The place was eerily quiet. As he entered the super powered wing of Arkham he noticed that all the cells were empty except for one. A woman with green skin and red hair was sitting calmly reading through a book even though her cell's doors were open wide. It took a moment for the dark knight to realize who this was...this was Poison Ivy.

"Not out causing havoc with everyone else?" he asked as he approached the cell staying on guard. She held up a finger signalling she needed a minute surprising Batman. She folded down the corner of the page she was on and set it down on the stand next to her bed before turning her attention to the Batman, "You look the same as you did all those years ago Batman. But to answer your question...I'm no longer interested in that life. I want to do my sentence and rejoin society, maybe even find myself a special guy." Batman enters the cell, "I'm not the original Batman, I'm his successor. You however look exactly like you did in your file over forty years ago." Poison Ivy gave a saddened smile, "I don't age anymore. If I were to die I would simply be reborn by another plant. The only way for me to die would be if there were no more plants in the world when I pass." Batman was confused by this, "And how would you know this?" A dark look passed over Ivy's face, "Joker. The original Joker. He cut my head off to show Harley that he was the one she was meant to be with. But he shot her afterwards. When I came back I watched her bleeding out, I managed to save her life but her DNA was altered to much. So she ended up like me...she can't age either."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2020 ⏰

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