The peculiar children had relocated into the home of fellow ymbryne, Miss Lyre, after the attack in Cairnholm. They had found Miss Lyre through a cluster of tall trees and tall grass, this was where her loop began. The peculiar family was relatively small, and their abode resembled a large ranch house with tons of greenery and fauna. Different types of trees, mostly palm, lined the estate, along with heavy iron gates. Miss Peregrines children sat in the blue tiled kitchen of the ranch house as one of Miss Lyres kids prepared sugar teas for their guests. The two ymbrynes were talking in the library while the kids sat uncomfortably at the yellow wooden table. Warm mugs of a sweet smelling liquid were placed in front of the peculiars as a lady sat in the seat across from them.
"We don't expect you to be very social, you all look like you've been through a deals worth."
The children just stared back at her, as some tentatively picked up their mugs, others eyeing them suspiciously.
"We're all tired. And scared. We've lost a lot of peculiars, and I think we owe it to them to stick together."
"That being said, we have plenty of warm beds for you to settle into. The other children are asleep right now, I thought it would be good for your little ones to stay in there with them." The lady was looking into the eyes of the older children, making sure at least one of them were paying attention. They all wore the same exhausted expressions along with the intense bags under their eyes. The lady stood up, mug in hand.
"Very well then. I am Gweniviere Godfrey. Welcome to your new home."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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