The Masquerades

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The Masquerades | Preface

We knew this was a bad idea, but did we care? No. So now that we're caught by the police there nothing else to do then to just give in.

"Cassie, what do we do?" Jamie murmured to me.

"Nothing, we're caught," I said.

No one replied. They knew I was right, all the chasing that the police had done to just get us, and their frustrations they've been through, was over.

"All of the eleven of you," officer Paul said, his gun pointing towards us.

We all looked at each other before looking down. This was it, today is the day that our identity was going to be revealed.

Today is the day the masquerades were going to come to an end.

And who was the person who revealed our next party crash? Alicia. The traitor.

♠ ♣ ♦ ♥


So here is the preface for 'The Masquerades', just letting you know kitkatkatniss isn't involved in this writing, we'll still trying to figure out what we're going to write together, so yeah.

Anyways, hope you guys like this preface, if you do comment, vote, and fan ;)

♪ Cool_Loser ♪

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