Chapter One

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   "is it honestly worth it?" is all that's going threw my head when i sit in bed before i get ready for school. I honestly don't see the point in me going to school where the teachers only care about getting paid and where the students care more about how they're viewed other then there grades.  "ALEX GET UP YOUR GOING TO BE LATE AND I SWEAR IF I GO UP TH-" i cut her up with "IM ALMOST DONE " which is a complete lie but with the i get up and head towards my closet.
   I grab a pair of dark blue ripped jeans and a grey champion hoodie with my blue jordan 1's. I head to that bathroom and change. i take out my big dark brown curly hair from my high bun and stare in the mirror. I'm not ugly honestly but i'm not pretty ether i have a nice complexion light skin but not to white. Big lips with braces, big light brown eyes and curly hair but i won't ever be perfect as others. with a sigh i brush my teeth and grab my mascara and apply enough to make me look like my lashes are actually this long.
  I make my way downstairs and immediately a smile makes its way to my face when i see my sister ready for me already at the door. layla and jayla are two years apart, while lay is 4 jay is 6. "finally i thought you got lost up there" jay says with that i laugh and grab my keys and give my mom a kiss and tell her i love her. i make my way in the car with the girls and make sure they are all buckled up before i start driving.
                           ~30 minutes later~
i'm walking out the girls school and make my way into my car, i blast the music and drive off.  i get lost in my thoughts when i stop at a red light. My mom is a single parent ever since my so called father almost killed her two years ago. She's so strong honestly, she always keeps a smile on her face for us especially the girls. I have so much hate towards that man because not only did he hurt my mother but the girls too. A loud honk knocks me out of my daydream. before i start driving again i roll the window down and give the guy that honked at me the finger and i drive off. 
                            ~an hour later~

i park the car where i usually do and grab my bag and slam the door shut. As i walk to the school entrance most kids outside stare, i'm not popular i'm actually not noticed by almost nobody but i'm known for my attitude and not to be messed with. I go inside the school and throw my shit in the locker, i close it and lean on it and start scrolling threw my phone. As i look i notice jason and his little group walk into schoo. jason is the "bad boy" of the school literally no one messes with him cause he's so ruthless and everyone scared of him, that is everyone but me ofc. he hasn't been in school for months because of some fight. jason has a caramel skin like complexion with nice dark hair, some hazel eyes and one hell of a body. He's good looking as fuck but he's a dick and uses females as a advantage.
     The rest of group consists of Bailey jason left hand, he is as bad as jason he's just less aggressive but just a little bit. There's london which is the group Clown and he's the only one there that actually smiles. Then there's ryan the complete asshole. he doesn't speak and always has this face that will make anyone cry. "you coming alex" says my friend avery snapping me out of my thoughts "yeah, ima just do something before i get to class so you go ahead" i turn around and head to the back of the school.
     i sit down on the bleachers and light my blunt. I smoke it and look at the field, some may say smoking is bad but it's a advantage but it's helping me feel numb so that's what iam keep doing in order for me not to be able to feel. for me to be just numb.
        When i'm already in deep thought a deep voice knocks me out of them.
            "You got a light?."
         Heyyyyy Im knew to this whole writing thing so show some love.!!
   Tell me how you feel about the book so far or if there's any mistakess.!!

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Feb 29, 2020 ⏰

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