Arc II (1) - 1594

Start from the beginning

The girl hums.

"How is the rest of your body? How do you general?" the nurse asks. She sees wounds here and there, but nothing too urgent.

"I feel fine. I'm just sore. Especially my legs".

Jenna nods, her mind still analytic.

Sore muscles because of the physical effort and improper alimentation. Rest.

"Alright, I'll take a look at them now", the nurse tastes, and begins to inspect.

I might have to put a bandage there. It can get infected. And there. The ankle seems swollen. The shin is too thin. The...

"When do you think I'll be ready to enroll again?"

Jenna stops suddenly.

"What?", she asks, absolutely taken aback.

The patient stays neutral.

"I want to enroll again, as soon as possible. I was wondering when would that be".

Jenna blinks twice.

"I... it depends on the way in which the gunshot wound recovers... and your whole body, honestly, is in an unsuitable state for war".

The girl nods, but purses her lips tightly.

"Do you seriously want to go there again?" Jenna asks.

Not professional, she thinks, not professional, but c'mon this girl must not be any older than me...

"Yes. Because it's my duty", the girl answers simply, and Jenna looks at the way her doll eyes shine with the strength of passion only for a second.

The nurse is about to say something back, but a voice behind her calls her.

"Kim, when you are done there, move to the waiting room!"

Jenna shouts an okay before turning to her patient.

"I'll bandage some wounds on your legs and leave. Then, I'll come back to give you further instructions. The hospital is so full today you might be able to go home before the evening", the nurse explains, "is that alright?".

The girl only nods, but gifts the nurse her first smile in months.

Jenna does the impossible to hide her blush.


Eliza looks through the hospital window for the nth time in the day.

A bullet in her leg. Damn her luck.

Not even the nurse could tell her exactly how much time she was going to need to recover.

She would be annoyed, really, just because of the frustration of the moment, but the short girl has been so sweet with her she cannot bring herself to be impolite.

Eliza lets her mind focus on the sharpness of her nurse's eyes. Almost cat-like. A stare that meant care, but also strength.

Easily the most beautiful eyes Eliza has seen in her entire life. She's completely sure she hasn't seen the girl before. She would remember.

But yet... there was something there...

"Miss?" Eliza hears, and turns her head quickly to see the focus of her thoughts standing right there, wearing an eye-smile.

The tallest girl straightens her body quickly, desperate to seem casual. In the hurry oh her movements, she feels a sharp pain crossing her leg, so she lets out a hiss.

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