Chapter Six- Those storm clouds gather in her eyes

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I woke groaning, feeling the headache pounding behind my eyes. Crying for hours and then falling asleep dehydrated wasn't doing me any favours. It had been a week since Banks had arrived. I didn't feel the need to move from the bedroom most days, only to get something small to eat. The first day or two Banks tried his best to coax me out but eventually gave up. Today was another day though and I was over feeling sorry for myself and the argument with Zip. I had slowly over the few days come to accept that there may be truth to Zips words but they were only words. My mother meant to be me what I knew her as, not what others did.
 Rolling out of the bed, I grabbed the jumper I'd dropping on the floor and put it on before going into the bathroom.  I took care of business before I made my way into the kitchen. Banks  was seated at the kitchen table, newspaper spread out in front of him, coffee cup raised to his lips. He looked like a picture from a 1950s American dream lifestyle catalogue but biker edition.
"Where'd you get a newspaper from?" I asked walking over to get a glass and fill it with water. I took a sip as I turned to look at him.
"Ran to the shop." He said and I raised my eyebrows at him. "You were perfectly safe, I wasn't gone ten minutes."
"Fast runner." I said dryly and his head kicked back in laughter.
"I took my bike." He said and I nodded my head.
"It's a half hour drive from here, the nearest shop." I commented and he grinned.
"I drive fast." He had an answer for everything.
"Remind me to never get on the back of your bike, I like my head attached to my body." I joked and he grinned cockily back at me.
"Babe, I've been driving and messing with bikes and cars since I was fourteen. I can assure you, I'm a good driver." I laughed at him before turning to look out the window. We had been blessed with lovely weather. It's one thing to be stuck in here but at least I was able go outside when I wanted. There wasn't a cloud in the sky today.
" It's not my place to say and I usually wouldn't intervene but the way you've been all week, I feel the need. He didn't mean it, Babe. I don't even know what he said to you but I do know he was pissed leaving here and it was the type of pissed people get when they're mad at themselves." Banks voice came softly. I didn't turn to look at him.
"It doesn't matter now, I'm over it. I don't care anymore." I had little emotion to my voice but I felt my face pinch in distain, my shoulders tightening. I had spent enough time upset about it, I didn't need to spend anymore.
"I'm just saying, babe-"
"Banks, you've been really sweet all this time so please take no offense when I ask can we please leave it alone?" I turned to look at him. He studied me for a moment before he nodded.
"Fine, Babe. But as long as you tell no one I'm sweet. Ruin my street cred." He winked. I shook my head at his antics.
"Your secrets safe with me, Banks. I won't tell a soul. God forbid I ruin your street cred." I laughed and he grinned along with me.
"So, Babe. Plan for the day? I'm assuming you're not going to go hide back in your room." He asked. surprised, I turned to look at him.
"What do you mean?" I asked cautiously.
"Babe, I know Zip is all super protective, keeping you hidden but I can't stay cooped up in here another day. So, what would you like to do?" He asked and I felt myself becoming excited.
"I don't know," I laughed, "What are my options?" I asked.
"W could go into town but we can't stay long. We can go for a ride, pick something." He smiled at me.
"Can we go for a ride?" I asked hopeful and he winked suggestively at me.
"Gracie, if you wanted to wrap your arms around me all you had to do was ask, I'm very accommodating. " He winked and I rolled my eyes in response.
"Ok I'm going to get dressed and-"
"No. You're going to eat and have another glass of water seen as you didn't eat hardly anything yesterday, nevermind the days before. Then you can get ready." he said. Raising my hand to my forehead I saluted him mockingly before going to the cupboard. Grabbing two slices of bread, I put them in the toaster.
"Want anything?" I offered.
"I've eaten, thanks."
"How far can we go?" I asked watching his eyes move as his skimmed through the paper. His gaze came to me at my question.
"Not far, take some of the older roads, double back over them. We can be gone for a few hours but we won't be too far".
"That's perfect. A few hours is all I need" I smiled excitedly at him and he nodded.
"You and me both, babe."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2021 ⏰

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