Once I was outside, the cool air of Late October hits me. Oh yeah I forgot to tell you, it's October. I hear the sounds of thunder and felt little drop-lets of water.

I went to close my leather jacket but

"UGH! How do I forget it at her home!?" I ask myself.

Oh well. Ash will hopefully give it to me tomorrow.

Chapter 3:

[The next day]

Walking in the hallway to get to my first period class—which is History—I saw Ashley! I ran toward her and hugged her with all my might, but she didn’t hug back.

‘’What’s wrong Ash?’’ I ask her with concern in my eyes. She looks up at me and I see pain? That’s odd!

She shoves me away and walks faster.

Oh she’s not gonna get away that easy!

‘’Ash! Stop!’’ I say when I reach her again, and add, ‘’we do have class together you know!’’

I smile as she turns around and replies, ‘’I will tell you at lunch,’’


So yeah, now it’s lunch and now I’m waiting for Ash. I do have an out-to-lunch pass, but maybe she’s in the lunchroom. I open the lunchroom doors and walk in. I look around to see if Ash is around somewhere, but no. I pout and when I turned around I walked straight into someone.

‘’Oh my Gosh! I’m so sor—‘’

I smile before I could finish the rest of my sentence. It was Ash that I bumped into.

‘’Hey Ash!’’ I hug her and hold her as she does the same to me, ‘’Wanna go out to lunch with me?’’

‘’I thought you’d never ask,’’ she smiles and we walked out the front door (with telling the lady by the door our names and crap), and we stepped outside.


I smile at Ashley as we get done with a fucking hot make-out session! Seriously, she turned me on too much. I believe I’m dripping wet!

I smirk and hold both her hands.

‘’So tell me, what’s going on with your family?’’ I question her and look deeply into her eyes.

Ashley looks down, sighs and replies, ‘’my mother is going crazy! She wants me out the house. My dad? I dunno where he’s at! And I don’t care right now. But I’m afraid of my mom,’’ she chokes a sniffle, ‘’she’s like King Kong!’’ she laughs and so do I.

‘’But I thought it would be something big and serious,’’

‘’I know, it is, she doesn’t want anything to do with me. It just hurts because she’s the mother that I’ve been looking up to all my life. And now she doesn’t want anything to with me’’.

I hold Ashley’s face in my hands. ‘’Ashley, don’t worry! I-you’ll just stay with me,’’ I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively and grin seductively.

Oh it’s gonna be a fun night tonight!

Making Love to a Bloody Rose |GirlxGirl|Where stories live. Discover now