[Chapter 1, Survival's Harsh Price] DAILY LIFE

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So there it was.

16 students. Faced off to be part of a killing game.

Honestly, accepting the reality of it still doesn't sink into my mind.

Why have we come through all of this? Why us? I want answers!

I don't really wanna stress out my mind a bit too much about the situation, but it seems like everyone doesn't feel that good.

Then there was Tsuiko.

She was just standing there, like the fact that we all have to kill each other doesn't really bother her..

"Is staring at each other really convenient?" She crossed her arms, while looking at us with a stern expression.

"She's right! Forget about killing each other, I'm sure we can get out of here without doing so!" Ichiko added.

"Escaping here is hopeless. Haven't you seen the iron plates and the metal hatch?" Yui rolled her eyes

"Yeah, not to mention that none of us have a physical capability to open it, even with joined forces." Kiro added.

"I'm sure there's a solution to this problem that is still in the bottom of our noses." I said, trying my very best to have hope in such situation.

Not everyone seemed convinced enough to believe what I said. Are they seriously going to give up THAT easily?

"Then uh.... What do we do for the meantime?" Asked Momoka.

"I'm sure all of us had explored this place from top to bottom, so figures that we meet at the dining hall." Kiro suggested

Kei scratched his head as he was looking sideways while asking "Wait a sec, isn't there a dormitory area around here? I'm sure there's 16 rooms over there with our names labelled on each door."

"Yeah, dude!" Ayato agreed.

Now that Kei mentioned it, I stumbled upon it while exploring the hallways on the first floor with Tomoko. The dormitories are separated from the actual school building, and the sign we saw for it was apparently called "Despair Hotel"

What kind of school would name their dormitories like that? Seems ludicrous and unsettling to me.

Each of the eight doors are face to face on two sides, with a nameplate written on it to indicate its owner.

"Oh cool, we're just in front of each other!" Tomoko pointed out while showing the dorm with her nameplate on it, and that door was just facing in front of mine.

"This should literally help me out on keeping an eye on you." She winked.

"Keep a what now?"

She leaned on me with her entire face nearly close to mine.

"You're like the sister I never had, Mizuki. Whenever there's something bothering you, I gotta take action. Besides, that's pretty much what we all did as little kids, while our Moms and Dad are having some time for themselves." She explained.

She's not entirely wrong, to be honest.

Since Mom and Dad had moved out of Tokyo, they lived out their lives in peace. Then, I was born, and Dad told me that I was a blessing. Then, Aunt Komaru moved in with Aunt Toko, as they happily told me that I'm having a cousin younger than me so that I would have a playmate.

When Tomoko was a toddler, the two of us really enjoyed playing with the other kids near the alley. Of course, we've been involved in numerous trouble, but it only happens when Aunt Toko is around.

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