Cupid's Gift 💌

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These moments of love , few and short , he found . A whole world anew .He was young and his soul was keen to exploration .A tender heart , taken under Cupid's wing . His intentions are not to flatter or paint an obscure image of teenage romance , it's only that lately we don't have these conversations . These are just episodes of crooning in poetry and moments of gallantry made permanent ..
So he begins .....................


You are my rainbow !
Bringing colour to this shady life
Putting an end to this strife
You have me frozen , like a headlight stricken deer
This freezing has me looking cold ,
It's quite odd
As hot as I am deep down on the inside
Trying to keep perfect composure ,
With all this bravado ,
I stay away from all the exposure

I stare ! .But only to wrestle myself
Only if my eyes could say the thoughts that are tinkering inside of this vessel
These thoughts have me feeling out of sight
I'm day dreaming lol !
Thoughts that leave words dangling on my teeth
And rapture my vocal chords
I end up saying the wrong words ,
Still I keep on , it's against all odds
At least you smile .Deep down
I feel a sigh
And my colours flying high .
I spoke to her !
If only this moment would last a lifetime .

The way her eyes are glancing , has me feeling like I have a chance .
But who am I kidding !
You have the ones you "like" and it's clear
I'm not your type .
The type that go all the way and I've only a stride to take.

I can't help it but to look at the stars
The only time , I feel close to you despite the distance
Still I have you on my mind from sunrise to the twilight of day
I'm afraid of attachment and maybe a little bit of enchantment .
But here I am knee deep , with my fears manifest
Now I have my guard up for this contest if it is one .

I'm just a neighborhood friend , trying to grow from like to love
Yet these are words that don't come out when I step out to make my move


Moments of Caress

I believe we are meant to be
Our souls in this spree
And our minds roaming free .

Your gaze kisses me as softly as the moon's rays
I part my lips , to say something

But my intuition tells me to stop

Looking at you is a perfect aura

One that leaves me speechless

Words roll off your tongue

"I love you"
As my chest is against your brow ,
Slowly the tension starts to grow
I don't want to part from this embrace
I'll just let my heart race

I see the tears in your eyes , but you hold them in to greater length
Only to show me your strength .
Our eyes meet and our bliss is once rekindled .

I keep on this facade
As I watch tears bead from shut eyelids
Words engorge my vocal chord , as I have no peace
In a moment as peaceful as the still waters
And all I think about are scars .
The irony

My words soft as I say "i love you too"
Because in you the rest I seek

Have I found to be true

Slow ties

The sky is littered stars

The night ours
Just for hours .
Our reflections in the water , clear
Just like our affection .

Apollo's gift light our way
As we sway
From left to right .
This was the gift of the night .
Perfect .

Our fingers entwining
It's a pinkie promise .
To be forever each other's peace .
It's all bliss .
A bedtime story on repeat .

Slowly I let the air free
As my sore lungs relax .
Our eyes dancing ;
I couldn't help it but notice
We were vibing .
This moment , enticing .


                                          Love struck

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Love struck

To you I pour out my heart .
This truth set free ,
From my lips shall never depart .
Love struck and stuck ,

A new feeling felt and wanted .

From you , this heart will never defer
No other have I to prefer
So I put it out there ,
I'm stuck on you , love .
I can't walk away , because in you
is my everything
Rubies and diamonds have I non to value
but your love Priceless

Roses are thorny and beautiful ,
You're sweet and feisty
This feeling , bittersweet
So infront of you I try not to be messy
My attempts unfruitful
I'm just clumsy
Right before you snuck out a few poses
I just can't get enough doses
My rose

So for you , I prepare
To be a safe haven and keeper of your smile
To talk about your bad days ,
And show you the many ways
To get to the hay days .
These images on slideshow ,
My very own show

This is Cupid's gift


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