Girl's Night! (Hiyoko x Mahiru)

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Chiaki had been setting up the games for what seemed like 30 minutes, but Hiyoko just wanted to beat Mikan at Dance Dance Revolution. Not because she wanted to play fair, but it was a way she could insult Mikan without hurting Mahiru. Trash talking in a game wasn't just an insult for the sake of hurting someone.

See, Mahiru had instituted a no bullying Mikan rule in order to keep Hiyoko's shared bathtime. Since Hiyoko didn't like taking baths alone due to past trauma, she was willing to do anything to keep Mahiru there. She wanted the girls to get along, but had no real clue why Hiyoko liked bathing with her.

As soon as the game loaded, Hiyoko went to pick her favorite song to dance to before Mahiru had the chance to suggest Mikan pick. Both the girls started to play, but suddenly someone had been pounding on the door.

It was Ibuki, here to defend Mikan from the wrath of Hiyoko. That's at least what she stated when Akane opened the door to let her in. Or rather, she just wanted to place DDR and no one wanted to go against her. She couldn't even get Akane to unless she trained with her early morning, which Ibuki was not about to do.

"No, I have to beat stupid Mikan!" Hiyoko stomped like a child and pouted. Even if she had hit a growth spurt that made her look more adult, she still acted the same childish ways. Why break what worked for her in the past?

"That was strike three, I'm sorry Hiyoko." Mahiru had stated the last strike, meaning Hiyoko couldn't have a bath with Mahiru for a whole month. She immediately burst into tears while the game played in the background. Mikan used this time to play with Ibuki and Mahiru tried to get Hiyoko to stop crying.

"Please don't leave me! The bathroom alone is scary!" Hiyoko sobbed and spoke between breaths. Akane awkwardly tried to look for tissues to give Hiyoko, but even when she did Hikoyo swatted her away.

"I'm not falling for that, you took baths alone before." Mahiru crossed her arms, slightly annoyed with her friend. Hiyoko would not have the upper hand and manipulate her this time! Except this time it wasn't a manipulation tactic, it was genuine fear.

"Actually, she used to have people who dressed her in the bathroom. She never could be alone before." Chiaki mumbled, sleepily, at Mahiru.

"Wait, seriously? I didn't know that, why didn't you say something!" Mahiru was shocked and upset she had actually hurt Hiyoko. She forgot that Hiyoko didn't know how to even dress herself properly before Mahiru taught her. Of course she would develop a dependency on Mahiru being there for such an important moment!

"I... get embarrassed!" Hiyoko had now gone into tsundere mode because of Mahiru upsetting her. She needed to know, though, otherwise Hiyoko wouldn't have the chance to bathe with Mahiru.

"I'm sorry Hiyoko, I should have remembered you couldn't tie a kimono before I taught you. I'll try to make it up to you, alright?" Mahiru had walked up and hugged Hiyoko, who desperately clung to Mahiru.

"As glad as I am to see you two happy, could you please stop crying. Sonia and I are watching serial killer documentaries and it's ruining the atmosphere." Peko had emerged from the next room over, where there was a projector set up for movie nights.

"Peko, I had said it was unnecessary for you to interrupt them." Sonia had peaked around, wearing her pajamas at this point.

Later that night, Hiyoko and Mahiru took a bath before bed. Except, this time was a bit different than before, since Hiyoko was still a bit upset from before. No matter how many times Mahiru apologized, Hiyoko was still aggravated.

"What could I possibly do to make you not angry at me anymore?" Mahiru sighed, washing Hiyoko's back. She still couldn't understand what was wrong, so Hiyoko had to be blunt. Chiaki wasn't around to explain this time, so Hiyoko had to do it herself. She was always self conscious about expressing her feelings, as they were often ignored or used against her in the industry. It's why she took her anger out on others, she never could express herself properly.

However, Mahiru was different. She was always nice and had been by Hiyoko's side from high school, where they had met. She had also spent so much more time with Mahiru than anyone else. It seemed obvious to Hiyoko that she had a crush on Mahiru, but apparently being extra soft towards her didn't get that idea across. Hiyoko trusted Mahiru more than herself at times, she was the one Hiyoko wanted a life with no matter what.

"...I love you." Hiyoko mumbled out of the blue, sending Mahiru for a complete loop. She thought she was still angry with her, but that wasn't the case. She apparently had just been tense with nerves, making her aggravated. It wasn't because she was still angry, it was because Mahiru had made it clear she didn't pick up on Hiyoko's hints.

After what seemed like an eternity, Hiyoko finally got her response from Mahiru. If they weren't in the tub, Hiyoko would be drenched in sweat.






"I love you too."

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