Dancing with the enemy

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Hi, guys, sorry for the long wait! I just had a hard time writing this chapter, but I hope it's interesting to read...
Anyway, for anyone who wants to see our Tywin trying to make a woman like him, this is the chapter for you!:)
See the end of the chapter for more notes and thank you for continue reading, it means a lot to me!

When the thrill of the challenge faded and both our dancing enthusiasts suddenly found themselves in the center of the great Winterfell hall, with all eyes knocked at them, they both asked themselves the same question.

''What in the name of the Seven did you just do?''

Well, if not something else we can at least give them the daring of doing something like this, although it was their pride, not courage standing behind the whole affair. And really, under different circumstances, they would have never embraced the idea of dancing with each other, but the challenge was a challenge and back in that moment both of them would have rather died than letting the other win.

And so there they were, just about to start their first dance, already deeply regretting their spontaneous and definitely quite rash decision. However, for their greatest regret, there was no way back, and so the seconds were passing and the tension was growing, reaching its peak when they finally heard the first accords, realizing that the situation was yet about to become worse.

Tywin couldn't be sure whether Roose Bolton's concept of vividness was just the complete opposite of his, or maybe he had some hidden intent, but what he knew for sure was that the slow music was forcing him to start a slow dance, which on its way required him to hold his dancing partner much closer than he would feel comfortable with...

And strangely this seemed to suit lord Bolton's purposes just fine, turning Tywin to the thought that maybe he had just fallen in a trap...

However, he couldn't do much about it, as he couldn't ask to change the music or just give up on dancing, without embarrassing himself, so the great lion silently cursed the moment he had left his honorable place at the table, becoming a victim of his own pride and lack of consideration. 

And it seemed like he wasn't the only one doubting in their initiative, as a sudden worry crossed his lady's face at the moment she realized what kind of dance the music required, probably feeling just as trapped as him.

And so when the moment they had to start passed without any of them to make a move, they both exchanged a questioning look, but it lasted only a second.

Annalise was the one who turned her eyes away, unable to bear Tywin's cold, expectant gaze, although she could still feel the weight of it, even with her eyes knocked in the ground. She knew they had to start, but just couldn't make herself do it, a part of her wanted to postpone it as much as possible...

And after all, everything was practically his idea and so he was the one who had to take the initiative... Or at least that was the excuse she used to justify her lack of action, hoping he view it in the same way.

Her reluctance, of course, wasn't lost on Tywin, who found it completely understandable and even enjoyed it in a rather conceited way. Finally, she was starting to get nervous around him, her cold indifference replaced by quite obvious frustration. He liked the way she had avoided his gaze and how her eyes were now knocked down, shamefully...

It was the thought of dancing with him that was provoking this sort of emotions in his betrothed and Tywin was pleased, he liked the idea of making her feel uncomfortable, the fact that she was not indifferent about him touching her was making him feel in a way he hadn't felt for a really long time, some strange mixture of excitement and content, like they were playing a game he was just about to win.

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