Chapter 4 - Skilled immortals

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Feng Jiu was waking up. Something warm and soft was just by her side. She slowly stretched her limbs and opened her eyes.

She was snuggled up to an immortal that had rescued her earlier. Her back was tightly pressed to his thigh. The man then looked at her as if expecting something, his eyebrows slightly lifted.

Ah, so this was the time to play up her charm. She really couldn't get kicked out of Tai Chen Palace or her Master would make her climb the stairs for the next one hundred years.

Up and down, over and over... Truly terrifying. But it was not the right time to ponder, she needed to focus all her abilities to get out of this pickle.

The little Fox Princess made her eyes appear big and innocent and gazed into this man's orbs while mentally sending playful and happy thoughts. She added a cheeky tail wiggle to appear even cuter. Such a move would always soften her mother.

"You are adorable and you are trying to use it to your advantage," the white-haired man said, not breaking eye contact. His facial expression remained stonelike and unimpressed.


Feng Jiu then decided to pull out her next trick. She put her front paws on his leg and nudged his hand, asking to be petted.

"You truly know no shame, do you?" The nice man was now smiling and scratching behind her ears. This moment was truly blissful. Taste of victory was sweet.

However, nothing was made to last and Little Nine's perfect win was interrupted by a loud noise. She first thought that it was thunder and got startled.

The immortal in purple robes laughed out loud.

"Shall we get us something to eat then? I am getting hungry myself. "

Truly, he was the kindest person Bai Feng Jiu has ever met.


Soon Jiu's good mood turned sour. That perfect, kind stranger was now planning to kill her. It was all a trap!

That man was cooking a fish, however, it seemed like he had no recipe in mind and was just randomly adding weird ingredients in no particular order. The odds of that fish turning out bitter was the same as the sun's rising every morning - guaranteed.

"No, stop! Don't do it, please! You will murder that fish twice,'' the little fox couldn't hold it any longer.

"Oh, so you can talk. I had thought so. Your energy feels too strong to be just a simple fox spirit."

Well, now Feng Jiu was busted. It would be ten months of going up and down the temple stairs for her. Master would show no mercy when Jiu interrupted her holiday.

But there was no use of crying over spilt milk and her stomach was still making threatening noises. Also as the saying goes 'The best defence is a good offence.'

"Pff, of course, I can talk. You better focus on not murdering that fish twice. I am really hungry. Bin that awful sauce! I will teach you how it's done properly!"

Jiu then started by explaining the best knife techniques for this type of fish. The next thing young immortal knew, she was bossing around the white-haired man and explaining all the steps in the recipe and the properties of all the ingredients that go in.

For one thing that the Fox Princess knew well, it was food. Cooking and eating was her best entertainment. She always got to taste a lot of delicacies at all the weddings she went to. Part of Jiu's policy was to make friends with the cooks and interrogate them for recipes at the end of the banquet.

Three Lives, Three Worlds - The Tale of the Fox PrincessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin