Geralt eyed Velorina the whole time she was speaking with Borch, Roach nudge his chest snapping him out of his stupa, "Thanks Roach. What are you doing here Yen?" He asked. Yennefer eyed the woman who took the Witcher attention, "I'm here with my escort. Noble Sir Eyck of Denesie." She answered as she then looked over to Eyck, "For Kingdom and Glory!" Eyck said while holding up his sword like a tale that old nans tell their grandchildren. Geralt eyed the knight then Velorina who was staring at the two, she was trying to pretend she wasn't but Geralt knew better. "I see you have other things on your mind. Til we meet again Geralt." Yennefer said with a smile as she left. Geralt nod his head as he and Velorina continue to eyed one another, both was feeling emotions resurfacing for one another that never disappeared only dormant. "See you Roach." Geralt said to her as the horns blow, starting the King dragon hunt.

As they were traveling no one spoke with each other, Velorina would disappear at night which made Geralt very frustrated. By morning she would appear speaking with Tea and Vea quietly he couldn't even hear, later that morning Velorina was speaking with Jaskier, Tea and Vea about random things. Geralt was watching like a hawk trying to catch his prey, "You worry if you blink you'll never see her again." Borch joked as he smiled, Geralt looked down with a smirk before eyeing Velorina once again proving the man's point, "You're in love with her." Borch stated already knowing about the Witcher and the Vampire. "Or, the danger here isn't the dragon." Geralt said instead. "That's why I brought you along Geralt of Rivia, nothing scare you." Borch said. Geralt let out a laugh as Velorina looked back at the two of them to check on them, "Then you clearly don't know Velorina that well." Geralt joked as he and Borch shared a laugh with one another.

The group made it to the spot where the Dragon torched half the mountain, "Dragons usually avoid people. I don't get it why the retaliation?" Geralt asked, "When your species is on the verge of collapse perhaps everything become more desperate." Borch explained. He and Velorina shared a look with one another, the vampire sigh as she walked away, while traveling the humans were beginning to feel the fatigue from their journey. Velorina looked just as fresh as a new morning, she usually tried to avoid humans, her tolerance for them was very short but this was for her friend she kept telling herself. She was bring up the rear of the group making sure to get some of her space as much as she can, she also wanted to stay up wind. Jaskier soon drifted from the group causing her to watch as he tried to gather food for the warriors who eyed him with annoyance for slowing them down. Velorina saw a monster coming where Jaskier was going down she was about to open her mouth when the human screamed running to Geralt like a child.

"Geralt, one of your friends is here." He whined as he went behind the Witcher, "What in the name of Bloemenmagde is that?" Yarpen asked. Velorina looked to Geralt wondering the same as the monster stood in front of the group with it's back to her, "It's a Hirikka." Geralt told everyone. Velorina eyed the skinny creature as it eyed the fruit that Jaskier had in his hand, "It's probably starving. Sheath your weapons." Geralt told the group. Velorina looked down with a sigh then looked up when she saw the knight come forward striking the harmless Hirikka. It whined in pain as it's arm was sliced off. Velorina eyed Geralt who along with everyone else was watching the unnecessary massacre. Eyck finished by slicing the head of the Hirikka clean off and beating the body soon after, "For Kingdom and Glory!" He cheered he then eyed the mysterious quiet woman who eyed him like she can kill, "M'lady. Please it's not safe, come-. Yennefer ran up to him cuffing this face, "Sir Eyck!" She cried. Velorina growled deeply her eyes turning a light ruby color, "You could've been killed." Yennefer whined. She eyed the woman who eyes went back to normal, "If we would've feed it, it would've went away." Geralt said as he help Yarpen off the ground thanks to the knight shove. 

Velorina felt her tolerance level drop plenty of notches after the early afternoon venture. She had her head in her hands while shaking her leg as she sat next to Geralt who was feeling content having her close. She glared at the knight as he took a bite of the Hirikka meat, "I'm not so sure i'd eat that good sir." Borch said with mild disgust. Velorina shook her head at her friend wanting the fool to eat the meat till his heart was content. Geralt grunt in agreement as he leaned close to Velorina without making it to obvious, Velorina smiled as she felt him lightly touch her knee. 

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