Start from the beginning

At his words, Ember visibly relaxed and nodded leaning into her brother's side as the door opened, Ashlyn smiling brightly at her cousins.

Ember hugged her noticing how her cousin's eyes fell onto the box in question noticing the name placed on top and was thankful the lighting hid her blush. Ashlyn merely smiled, not bringing up the box and left into the kitchen after ensuring her cousins were comfortable. 

Standing about awkwardly for a few moments, EJ quickly kissed his sister's forehead muttering about something he needed to fix as he pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed a number, walking away before his sister could so much as protest.

Ember gaped after her brother before the sound of a door opening caught her attention and she turned to see Ricky entering the house, a cute beanie that was a few sizes too big sitting on his head.

She found herself smiling despite trying to keep a neutral expression and just as she was going to offer a casual hey, another figure entered behind him, leaning onto him as the pair giggled obliviously to the other company. It was Gina.

He had come with Gina Porter.

Ember's smile faltered a little, nearly slipping from her face along with the cookies in her grasp that suddenly became loose. 

"Oh! Hey, Ember. Happy Thanksgiving! Look, I made turkey cupcakes." Gina finally offered just barely noticing Ember who stood shell shocked in the foyer.

Ember cleared her throat, plastering a smile on as she gestured towards the cupcakes, the cookies in her hands suddenly feeling heavier.

"Cute turkeys, aha. Love the matching hats too." She gestured towards their heads now noticing that Gina sported a beanie of the same color. 

Gina smiled proudly and Ricky nudged her playfully both sharing a smile of an untold joke, the action leaving a bitter taste on Ember's lips.

Shaking away the negative thoughts as Gina hadn't done anything wrong and it wasn't any of her business, Ember decided to focus on her main goal of the night in hope it might clear the nauseous feeling in her stomach. 

Scraping her shoe against the ground shyly, she looked up.

"Uh hey, Gina do you mind if I bother Ricky for a few minutes, please. I just need to tell him something." She asked softly. Thankfully Gina didn't pester and with a smile and a shrug she entered the living room, leaving the pair alone with their thoughts.

"So, uh... this is kinda out of the blue. But, I really wanted to apologize for how I've been acting lately and uhm I kinda heard chocolate chip happens to be your favorite so, I figured as a peace offering maybe we could try and be friends-"

Ember rambled before a pair of arms cut her off, wrapping her in a timid but firm embrace then nearly left her breathless.

Her mind spun as the smell of pine and cinnamon entered her senses and she found herself sinking into the hug, her own arms coming to wrap around him.

She knew the box of cookies were most likely getting crushed between the pair but couldn't find it in herself to care. 

The moment ended all too soon and Ricky quickly released her, the coldness from their parting causing a ping of disappointment to run through her. 

"I'm sorry too, Em. I was such an ass and I really hope you can forgive me. Especially that stupid plan I had, it was idiotic and a waste of time. I never should have even thought of it."

Ember nodded as the pair smiled at one another before Ricky's mind seemed to catch up with him and he gasped looking to where she held the cookies mentioned.

"You actually made me chocolate chip cookies?" 

She nodded sheepishly as Ricky eagerly grabbed the box and gently peeled back the bow covered lid. 

He took a cookie, biting into it with a groan that had Ember blushing, he had to be exaggerating the taste for she knew she wasn't the best baker.

Yet, he treated them as if the greatest baker in Paris had bestowed them upon him. 

"Thank you, Ember. I know they probably don't seem like a big deal to you, but I haven't had chocolate chip cookies since my mom was home, and the fact you baked them for me, it...it really means a lot." His eyes strangely started to get misty and Ember found she didn't like the look on him, she much preferred him smiling. 

Taking this opportunity to breach the subject before his frown furthered she smiled and offered playfully.

"Don't get used to it Bowen. I still hate your guts." 

He smirked back at her, thankfulness in his eyes for changing the subject.

"Feeling is more than mutual, Caswell."

Though the smiles on their face said otherwise.

Something had definitely changed between the duo, and Ember wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing.



hey, everyone! yes, hi. I'm alive. so obviously i was inactive for a while, and truth of the matter is, i didnt feel motivated to post anything. i wont apologize bc i mean, we all have those days and anyways i just hope you enjoy. thank you for the patience, truly means a lot.

please vote, no ghost reading allowed (thankfully havent had that but yanno) and comment cos believe it or not it actually works as a good motivation for us writers.

thanks again!

thanks again!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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