The two men rode on Roach for a few miles, when they made their way to a nearby settlement, "Is there a doctor here?" Geralt asked. "Yes, Chireadan, the elf healer." A man said, "He's over there." He pointed. Geralt picked up Jaskier taking him to the tent hoping to find help, when they reached the healer tent the Elf examined Jaskier who's neck begin to swell at a freighting rate, "A djinn in a bottle? It's like a fairy tale." Chireadan said as he tried to find something to ease the bard pain, "Without the happy ending, can you help him?" Geralt asked in frustration, "I assure you I have received the best medical education right here in Rinde, but." Chireadan trailed off, "These injuries are of a magical nature." He finished while looking at the Witcher. "I can help with the pain, but it's a bit like-" "Putting salve on a tumor?" Geralt finished as he threw back the bard words, Jaskier glared at him, then his eyes widen hearing the Elf words, "His throat was attacked, if the spell's action isn't healed as soon as possible, that damage might be irreversible and he will never use it again and he could die." Chireadan explained. "No Geralt!" Jaskier wheezed. "Yeah, we won't let that happen." Geralt reassured as much as he could while patting Jaskier back.

"You will have to take him to another town." The Elf continued, "There isn't a mage here?" Geralt asked. "Uh, the mayor says they are dangerous, but there is one mage. I was tasked with bringing this mage to justice, but I was unable to penetrate certain defenses. The mayor himself has made the catch and has imprisoned the mage in his house." Chireadan explained to Geralt. "That's wasn't so fucking hard was it?" Geralt growled as the elf tale was finally explained with little time Jaskier had, "Be carful, the mage is powerful and malicious, and quiet cunning." Geralt pushed the medical elf away from him, "I'll find him." He growled he once again rushed Jaskier to his last hope of getting cured.

Velorina was kicking her feet to the music that was playing beneath her, she was on top of a roof drinking wine that was mix with blood and allowing the tune of the music over take her body. She was eyeing the night sky as her thoughts was going through her head like the stars of the endless night, it wasn't long before she heard a commotion going on from below and the music stopped. She turned her head that was resting on her arm and spotted Geralt approaching the pawnbroker shop. She quickly sat up when he begin kicking the man in his privates along other places, "What the?" She said to herself as she took a sip of her wine with a smile, "Hmm." She said. When Geralt seemed to be satisfied with his actions, he moved on to a nearby apothecary, he dragged him to the middle of the street where everyone was watching with amusement, Velorina let out a laugh along with a few bystanders as Geralt removed the man pants thrashing his ass with a belt. 

Velorina had to cover her mouth as the entertainment continue, Geralt was letting out a war cry with every thrashing. Velorina then spotted an Elf running to Geralt trying to stop him from hurting the man below, Velorina was about to help her friend when more officials begin running up the streets. They grab Geralt and the Elf who struggled with them, trying to explain to them that Geralt was under some kind of spell. Velorina stopped laughing hearing the Elf cry, she looked once again at Geralt, she notice he didn't put up a fight, his eyes looked dazed and glazed over. She squint her eyes as the law official drugged them to a nearby cell, she stood up from her rooftop, her wine forgotten running to the cell.

Velorina put the guards to sleep as she walked into Geralt and the Elf cell. The Elf stood up with wonderment and confusion as he spotted a beautiful woman walking to their cell, "Who are you, what do you want. Can you help us." The Elf fired off questions. Velorina ignored him as she eyed the now sleeping Witcher. She bend down eyeing him with worry, "How is he?" She gently asked. Chireadan sigh as he too looked to Geralt, "He was under a spell. Please miss can you help us?" He asked. Velorina sigh as she stood up, "He'll be fine, as will you." She then walked out when she heard the guards begin to gain consciousness, "Wait please! you must help us!" Chireadan pleaded to the retreating woman. Velorina turned to him, "Trust in him." was all she said before disappearing into the night. Chireadan let out an annoying sigh, "What is with women now and days?" He asked as his shoulder dropped with disappointment. He walked over to Geralt hoping to get him to wake up and to get them both out of their cell like the woman said he could.

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