"I guess she's gone" Joy said, nonchalantly and started to walk away.

"That's it? We're just going to go?" Wendy asked. She was the one who didn't want to get in trouble but now that they were all the way into that mess, she wanted to at least have a resolution.

"I wanted to confront her too, but she's not there, what are we supposed to do? Wait for that bitch to come back?" The younger ranted, annoyed by the fact that the so-called witch ran away, probably knowing that her existence was found out.



The couple was about to leave the room when they heard their names being called behind them, a cold breeze hit the back of their necks, making them shiver both in fear and because of the sudden change of temperature. They slowly turned around and discovered that the mirror was back to normal, now reflecting the room and their silhouettes, along with the lady's one. They carefully approached the mirror, it was like if this dark aura irradiated from it, making it wicked and cursed.

"Didn't it sound like...?" Joy wanted to articulate her next word, but instead got hypnotized by the strange beauty the mirror presented. "We need to tell Irene that-"

The younger was cut off by a hand pulling her into the mirror, Wendy watched in horror as she screamed "Joy!!! Joy!!!" trying to grab her and fight the force that was sucking her in but it was futile, the mirror was faster than her.

In a blink of an eye, a bright blinding light filled the room and knocked Wendy unconscious. Several minutes passed and the short girl finally opened her eyes. "Ugh... we finally made it" She murmured, holding her head as she tried to get on her feet. "I need to find Joy" She said.

Stood up and stumbled as usual, it didn't matter how many times Irene put them in those horrible spells, she never got used to the trip coming back home. But wait, this time Yeri was a witch too... she thought. Her memory was failing her, as she didn't remember how she got into the leader's room, but she just ignored it and kept on walking.

"Here you are" Her girlfriend said, approaching from behind.

"Hey babe" The older replied. "So, why is Yeri a witch now?"

"I don't want to rush you, you can take your time" Seulgi said, observing the way Irene fidgeted with her cup of coffee. Ten minutes have passed since she gave her the coffee and judging by that, it must be already cold. But the tiny beauty was there, still holding it between her two delicate hands, fingers running from top to bottom, trying not to spill it in the process.

The hunter noticed the incertitude in the other's eyes and she quickly took the cup off of her cold porcelain hands, placed it on the kitchen's isle and grasped Irene's cheeks. "Look at me" The monolided girl cooed, tenderly gazing down at her beautiful witch.

The older hesitated at first, because she knew that once she looks into Seulgi's eyes there's no going back, looking into her beautiful deep brown eyes was her weakness, they make her want to tell everything, do everything. The witch eventually met hunter Kang's eyes, damn you... she thought.

"I'm here for you, you can tell me anything, I won't run away from you"

"I won't run away from you"

That last sentence resonated in Irene's mind, echoing straight to her heart. She couldn't help but to feel this overwhelming peace and warm inside her soul, making their way to break her walls, to expose her before Seulgi's eyes. The older shyly smiled, grabbed the younger's hands and once again relocated them on her waist, she slowly leaned in for a kiss and the hunter gladly followed her lead. A sweet, soft kiss that deepened into a bolder and naughtier one, but that was it, no more and no less, as Irene broke the kiss.

The witch of ReveFestival | seulreneWhere stories live. Discover now