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A/N for those unfamiliar with anything fate, a master can view the memories of a servant they are in a contract with.  While this usually happens when the master is asleep, I'm changing this up for my story.  Without further ado on with the show

*Gudako POV*

I can't believe I tried to slap Makoto-kun.  The reason I tried to is after he said all that stuff about his destiny I got really mad.  I don't know how it happened I saw a bit of his memories at that moment.  His parents ding when he was young.  Hopping from one relative to the next.  Feeling as if he didn't belong anywhere.

'I hope he can find a life here.  Same age as me and he also saved the world'  I mumbled to myself.

*Makoto POV*

I had followed Ritsuka around Chaldea.  She introduced me to various other servants, noting about them interested me.  We eventually made it to the cafeteria where a man in a red in black outfit with white hair was cooking.  When master saw who was cooking she got excited.....over food.  I don't think I'll understand women.  At that thought a redhead, a blonde, and tealette hair flashed through my mind.  I wonder how they are doing.

"Are you making lunch EMIYA?" Master ask excitedly.

"If I don't start now the gluttons will eat it all before anyone else gets to eat."

I didn't say anything as I went to stand next to the man.  I focused and found with some effort I can hold and interact with physical objects.  I helped make lunch much to master's surprise.

"You can cook Makoto-kun?!"

"Finally someone other than me who can cook" EMIYA expressed sounding relieved.

"Sorry it's just a hobbie I had while alive.  I don't plan to cook very often"

After that the man seem to deflate a little but seemed more relaxed.

"Still as thanks for helping out, name whatever you like and I'll make it"

"Sorry I can't eat anything I don't got a physical body."  After I said that I stopped focusing which caused my hand to phase through the pan handle I was holding.  We left the dinning hall after that.  We didn't get far when a man with pale redish-orange long hair, green eyes and a lab coat came running up to us.

  We didn't get far when a man with pale redish-orange long hair, green eyes and a lab coat came running up to us

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"Ah doctor Romani how can I help you?" Master asked the man named Romani.

"Ah Gudako *pant* I've been looking for your *pant* Miss Kirijo is here for thr annual reports of our efforts."

Wait did he say Kirijo?  Could Mitsuru still be alive?  Actually how long have I been the seal?  Not long after that the sound of heels on time caught my ears.  Finally around the corner a woman with familiar red hair became visible.
"Mitsuru?" She looked older then when I last saw her.  Yet she is still the same woman I went to school with

  Yet she is still the same woman I went to school with

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(Couldn't find an older Mitsuru sorry)

Seeing me she quickened her pace.  Realizing her intentions I make it so I can interact with objects.  When she reaches me Mitsuru quickly throws her arms around me and hugs me tight as tears quickly begin to fall.

"Five years." She stated very quietly.


"You've been dead five years, and now your here."  Mitsuru told me through her tears.

"Really?  Funny I feel as if I'm still in the SEES dorms.  I expect Junpei to appear any second now, and make a joke about me being a pimp or something."  Saying this cheered up the redhead enough to give her signature laugh.

"You do have emotions" master said ruining our reunion.

"Only around those I formed a bond with."  I replied flatly.  "Wait if five years have passed what happened to the others?"

"Aegis, Akihiko, and myself are part of a group called the shadow operatives.  We track down any shadows causing problems and deal with them.  Junpei became a professional baseball player.  Yukari became an actress in a popular kids show.  Ken is a first year highschool student.  He also helps out in the shadow operatives every so often.  Koromaru usually sticks close to ken.  Finally Fuuka is also a shadow operative, though she's still our trusty navigator and support."  Mitsuru explain.

"It's good to hear you all found success."

"Is it just me or do they seem like they are in their own little world?" Romani asked master, not realizing I head them.

"Before I forget," Mitsuru started before searching her coat.  She pulled out an all too familiar sight.  "I didn't know of they could successfully summon you, but just in case I thought you would need this."

After that the redhead handed me my old holster and evoker.  Quickly I put the familiar holster on.

"A gun?  Why do you need a gun Makoto-kun?" Master asked confused.

"On top of my stats you should be able to check my skills.  Check them you should understand."

"Let's see.  Charisma.  Counter Hero? Independent action.  Battle continuation.  And Summoner?  What the heck is summoner?" I saw the look of confusion on both master's and Mitsuru's faces.  It was getting to be a pain thinking of a way to explain it when Romani spoke up

"I heard from Medea and some of our other casters that there is a rare skill they can get called summoner."

"But he isn't a caster, but a savior class" master explained.

"Well Gilgamesh (caster) can still use the gate of Babylon even though he isn't an archer anymore.  Though that is a bad example." Romani countered.

"Want to just see how it works master?" I asked dryly

End.  See you all in Per. So. Na!

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