Chapter One

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meet me at the cafe at 3 pm?

i've got something to tell you

Both Chan and Jisung had quickly texted the other to let him know they were already on their way to meet him. That's how Chan found himself quickly taking his wallet and heading towards the cafe downtown. As soon as he got in, he spotted the table where his two best friends were waiting for him, sitting next to the big window facing the street. When he set down, Changbin asked him what he wanted to drink and went to the cash register to order.

"What do you think he wants to tell us?" Jisung asked, curiosity dripping from his voice. In reality, Chan was just as excited as Jisung was, he simply knew how to hide it better.

"I really don't know. Some news about the song he's working on maybe?" Chan guessed. Even though they knew there was nothing to worry about, Changbin had been so cryptic that, deep down, both of them were hoping that the news he had to tell them was nothing but positive.

When Changbin came back, placing their drinks on the table and smiled brightly at them, they knew that everything was alright if Changbin was so excited about it. They set down and, for some minutes, no one said anything, both Chan and Jisung watching Changbin expectantly, waiting for him to talk.

"So? Are you going to tell us or do we have to beg?" Jisung asked offended, the effect his scoff had to make was slightly ruined because of the smile painted on his lips. Changbin chuckled at their friend's antics.

"So, you know Felix, right?" Changbin asked.

"Your best friend from high school?" Chan questioned confused and Changbin nodded. It wasn't like he personally knew the guy, but Changbin had talked about him a few times before. Felix had been Changbin's best friend since the two of them attended the same high school and Changbin had been assigned to tutor Felix. They were still very close even after Felix had moved back to Australia for college and Changbin had stayed in Korea.

"He's coming to visit for a couple of weeks," Changbin exclaimed loudly, joy painted all over his face. It had been a while since Jisung and Chan had seen Changbin so happy and excited. It was pretty heartwarming to see and the two couldn't help but smile at the news, even if they didn't personally know Felix themselves.

"Hyung, that's great!" Jisung said, looking just as excited as Changbin was. "Is it the first time you two meet again after he moved back there?" he curiously asked, his head tilted to the side.

Chan watched as a nostalgic expression made his way on Changbin's face, being soon replaced by the happy smile he couldn't take off of his face.

"It is. He moved there two years ago and when he visited his grandparents here last Christmas, I was on a holiday with my family so we didn't get to meet," Changbin explained, pouting a bit, realising it had indeed been almost two years since he had last seen his best friend.

"I really don't know how you do long distance," Chan murmured, regretting it the moment he said it. Unconsciously, he rubbed his collarbone right where his soulmate mark was hiding under the collar of his black shirt.

"It's not that bad. We still get to text a lot and video call when we can," Changbin explained softly. When he realised where Chan's hand had stopped, he understood what he was thinking about, "Hey, don't overthink it right now. You'll meet them, I promise you."

Chan and soulmates were a delicate topic. He had seen his friends get their marks and find their soulmates in a matter of days or weeks, while he was still waiting for something to change. He did get his mark, a beautiful constellation on his collarbone but, even after almost three years, his soulmate was nowhere to be seen.

The soulmate mark appeared on a part of your body the day of your twentieth birthday. It became visible in the same place on your soulmate's skin but, according to when they turned twenty, they could either have it already or you would have to wait for them.

Changbin had found his soulmate immediately after starting college at the age of twenty, the feather tattooed on his wrist soon matching with the one Minho had tattooed in the exact same place for the past year. Jisung found his happiness with Hyunjin, even though he still hadn't got his mark. The two were childhood friends and had developed crushes on each other for long before the pretty rose appeared on Hyunjin's hip bone. Now, they were just waiting for Jisung's to appear on the day of his twentieth birthday, a couple of weeks away.

Chan regretted bringing the mood down, knowing how Changbin and Jisung often felt guilty about spending time with their own boyfriends because that meant leaving him alone.

"Yeah, of course, you're right. So, Felix? When is he coming?" Chan asked, trying to change the topic and bring those smiles on his friends' lips once again.

"He's coming in late August and staying until mid-September probably. He's on winter break during those weeks," Changbin announced. It was currently the beginning of August so that meant Felix was arriving in Korea in less than a month.

"I was planning to show him around a bit. If you want you're welcome to join," Changbin suggested and Chan's heart warmed at how thoughtful his friend was, wanting to include Chan and Jisung in his time with Felix.

The rest of the afternoon was spent planning all the attractions and places they could bring Felix to. Chan didn't think about the mark on his collarbone even once again but he still couldn't give a reason to the warm excitement he felt about meeting the boy Changbin was so fond of.

Author's notes:

I hope you guys liked the beginning of the story ^^

I will update it every day so look forward to tomorrow's update! Please come say hi on twitter, the name is the same!

To The World I Close My Eyes To See | chanlixTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang