I Have Questions

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wc: 2810

I Have Questions by Camila Cabello

The day kept going, and it felt like it was just getting longer and longer. I want to go home and get away from this atmosphere. I used to love coming to school because I got to do what I do best. Sing, dance, and write. But Peter ruined it all for me. Every hallway, every classroom, everything here reminds me of our time together.

I'm sitting in my last class, which is creating writing. It's not like your regular creative writing class. Here you get to write whatever you want to as long as it goes with the requirements. It's not hard to meet them.

Peter walks in and sits on the opposite side of the classroom. We had the class together. What can I say, we were trying to do the same thing and got in all the same courses.

This is where I write all my songs (I do write some at home). After the talent show in my sophomore year, my life changed dramatically. No, I'm not talking about Peter, but something that would help me with my career.

"Has anyone seen Y/N L/N and Peter Parker?" I heard someone calling out. Peter and I were celebrating my win. He had placed second place behind me. We had just made us official about an hour before.

"Over here!" Peter yelled, waving his arm in the air. The person turned around, and it was the one and only Tony Stark. My jaw dropped, and I'm pretty sure that Peter's did too. He walked towards us, and I started to get really nervous.

"Ah, the shining stars of the night!" He stood in front of us.

"Um, I-I, Hi." Peter stuttered out and made me giggle.

"Hi, Mr. Stark." I politely responded, trying to make an excellent first impression.

"Well, I would like to congratulate both of you on your accomplishment tonight. Your performances were wonderful."

"Thank you." We both said at the same time.

"I would like to offer you both a record deal with the Avenger Label." My heart stopped, just like that my dream was coming true.

"W-what? Me? Us?" I was confused. He just walked up to two fifteen-year-olds giving us jobs.

"Yes, you. I wouldn't be asking if it wasn't you two." He sassed back. "So, what do you say?" I looked at Peter, and we both knew what to do.

"YES!" We screamed.

So all the songs that I write in creative writing are put on my albums that will come out and that already have come out.

"Alright, class," Mrs. Richmond said. "We have a new assignment today. You will need to write something that means something to you like always, but this time you will need to ask a question or questions. It could be a life-altering question, or it could even be like, 'Where's the door?' or something of that nature." She paced around the room. "I expect great things from this class. You are my best students, and I can't wait to see what you come up with." She looked down at her watch. "You have an hour; then we are going to start presentations tomorrow. Good Luck."

I started jotting down ideas.

What questions would I ask someone?

I mean, I have a lot for Peter.

I wrote down the questions that I would ask him if I ever had the courage to.

Do you care?

Why weren't you who you said you were?

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