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It was now the next day, its currently lunch break, we were chatting and eating when Danielle came up to us she smiled at us and waved shyly, a pink hue creeping up her cheeks as she laid her gaze on Zeze, i rolled my eyes and cleared my throat


She looked down at me

"Hi, Tobby..how are you"

"Great actually..wanna sit down?"

I asked and prayed that she say no

"No actually, i have cheerleading practice right now..i just wanted to congratulate Zeze"

Me and Rae looked at each other

"For what?"

Rae asked curious

"Oh. The coach hanged the flier..Zeze's in the team"


Rae yelled and we high fived each other.

"Thank you"

Zeze said in his Deep calm tone.

"I have to go now..talk to you later"

Zeze nodded and she rushed out of the cafeteria, just when the double doors got closed , they got slammed open again, Lane and his little gang walked in, Lane being in the middle and ahead from the rest, he glanced over the whole cafeteria when his gaze was nearing to us i lowered my own and chuckled

"Don't look now but i think Lane is looking for us"

Rae smirked and took a bite from her sandwich

"Is he pissed"



After that being said, a pair of hands slammed on our table, Zeze looked up at Lane and slightly moved closer to me in a protective matter.

"Oh hello there Lany..what brought you to our table on this fine day?"

He glared at Rae

"Shut up, Rihanna"

His gaze turned to me then back at Rae then back to me

"I know you two are up to something, and I know it has to do with the football team"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Lany"

I said with a smirk blasted on my face, he reached his hands out, in an attempt to strangle me i think but before his hands reach me Zeze caught his wrists and shoved him away

"Don't.touch him"

Lane stumbled back, Kevin caught him before he can fall, Lane got more angry, i could tell by the way he was gritting his teeth, i imagined steam coming out of his ears and the top of his head.

"Why you so mad Lane? Are you afraid that Zeze will kick your ass and take your beloved spot on the team?"

Rae said with a fake innocent smile

"If you weren't a gi-"

"A girl? You'd beat me up? Yeah right..try me"

Rae knew too well that Lane wouldn't put his hands on her because shes a girl and that would be too bad for his reputation , so he turned his gaze back to me.

"Watch it,Quinn"

He said then left the cafeteria, Rae quickly got her phone out and checked the school's website

"Holy shit Tobby! Zeze is the new quarter back!"

"God! Yesssssss!"

I was ready to scream at the top of my lungs right now.

"Tobias Quinn, Danielle asked me to meet her"

He said then reached his arm out to me with the phone in his hand showing me the text, he looked so cute and innocent not knowing what to do, i took the phone and eyed the text then looked at him

"Do you want to go?"

He blinked twice and titled his head to the side

"Do you want me to go?"

"Well, Zeze..i know that you grew to understand your feelings pretty well, so just think of it ...do you want to go out spend time with Danielle?"

He seemed to think about it for a little, which actually made me jealous that he considered to go out with her even tho me and Rae were the ones to actually lead him to ask her out in the first place.
He shook his head


I smiled, happy that he finally did something he actually wanted to do and second because he didn't want to

"Why? Don't you like Danielle ?"

"I..no..i don't want to spend time with Danielle..so that mean's i do not like her..right?"

I nodded then he nodded

"Then yes, i don't like her"

"What did you feel when she kissed you, Zeze"

"It was kind of Gross,she didn't taste good and i felt like it wasn't right..it didn't taste like yours"

He said with a thinking face on as he scratched the back of his head and looking at the ground, he looked up at me with wide eyes and sorry expression.

"Sorry, im so sorry that i felt that way"

I chuckled and shook my head.

"Honesty is a good thing Zeze, no need to be sorry for your feelings"

He stared into my eyes and bit his lip.

"Is it..a good thing that i want to..kiss you?"

My eyes went a little wide as i watched him take my right hand between his hands.

"Is it a good thing that i want to hold your hand like that"

I was speechless, i did want this but i was too shocked to answer him, before i could say anything he pulled me on his lap and pushed me closer to him.

"Is it a good thing that i want you to be this close to me all the time? And is it a good thing that i want to protect you, i don't have , i want to"

I sat up and placed my hands on his neck.

"What are you feeling?"

"I don't know, i've never felt this way..but you being this close make's me happy and..at ease"

I licked my lips and leaned closer to his face.

"Rihanna Racer talked to me about this, she talked to me about..love..i.. i love you, Tobias Quinn"

He leaned in and closed the small gap that was between us and connected our lips.


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