First day

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a/n: hey guys!! just wanted to let you know that the person who I picture as Giana is Crystal Reed! Anyway enjoy this somewhat longer chapter;)

* 2 years later*
" Giana honey, we are here." my mom turned around from the drivers seat, a huge smile plastered on her face. It was crazy how I have been waiting so long to go to collage, and the day has finally came.

I got out of the car and looked around. Hundreds of kids hurrying around, wearing NYU clothes. I smiled and was thankful I decided not to wear the NYU t-shirt my mom had gotten for me.

My mom and Dad helped me get to my dorm. I unlocked the door with my key and quickly opened it, anxious to see my roommate. To my surprise, no one was there yet.

" Looks like your roommate isn't here yet," my mom looked around the room. " That's good because you get to have first call on the beds." she smiled. My parents helped me unpack and organize my clothes in my closet.

" Ok sweetie, well I think that's about it. We're going to get going. Promise to call and text me everyday, ok? I love you so so so much!" my mom said proudly. I hugged both of them and with that, they left.

Not long after my parents left, in walked my roommate. " Hi! You must be my roommate! I'm Sophia!" The blonde haired girl dropped her bags and ran over to give me a hug.

" Hey I'm Giana." I laughed when she finally pulled away from the embrace.

" You seem so nice! Ok let me unpack, then we can talk." she giggled as she hurried to unpack her suit case.

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