"As soon as we arrived, I received an invitation for a ball tomorrow night near Berkeley Square." Esther was never one to be enthusiastic about a dance, but apparently all one needed was a good partner.

"Yes!" Lady Susan replied, "That is my dear friend Elizabeth, she said she would join us this afternoon so I will allow her to relate the details, but I know you will both greatly enjoy her company as much as I do."

A footman then came in presently with the tea service, biscuits, and dainty cakes for the ladies. They chatted about fashions and the delicacy of the new lace handkerchiefs that Charlotte's sister had made for Lady Susan until they heard the front bell ring again.

Lady Susan's butler came into the parlor and announced Mrs. Darcy. She had dark, curly hair, bright eyes and rosy cheeks and Lady Susan rose to meet her friend and kissed her cheeks smiling fondly.

"Oh! My dear Eliza why will you not take a carriage? Always walking I'm afraid of you getting run down on these busy streets! You're not in Derbyshire!"

The new arrival laughed, "Obviously because walking is my... second favorite form of exercise Susan and I refuse to be put off from it simply because we are spending some time in London! Now please, introduce me to your enchanting protégé and say you both will be coming to the ball tomorrow."

"I can safely say that we will be delighted to see you there. Charlotte, let me introduce you to my dearest friend, Mrs. Elizabeth Darcy. We met in Bath a few years ago shortly after her marriage and have taken every chance to meet since!"

"I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance Mrs. Darcy," Charlotte stood and curtsied.

"And this is the lately married Lady Esther Babington," Susan added.

"I'm very happy to meet you Mrs. Darcy! Thank you so much for the invitation to your ball! Though I imagine it is Lady Susan who is behind that." Esther said with a bit more reserve in front of the new and elegant lady.

"Oh, not at all! I have been looking forward to meeting you! Mr. Darcy is in business with Lord Babington near his estate in Kent and we are delighted that he has married, and quite happily too by all accounts."

Charlotte immediately liked Mrs. Darcy, there was no pretense in her kindness, no subterfuge in her actions, and of course, if she was a dear friend to Lady Susan, Charlotte could see no reason why she should not be delighted to know her. Esther began to effusively speak more about Lord Babington and their plans again which then turned into asking Mrs. Darcy what her preferences had been for her wedding arrangements. To which she demurred that her wedding had been a double with her eldest sister and she had made all the decisions other than her dress which was made by her friend Charlotte Collins.

"But never mind all that, we have plenty of time to discuss the past when the present is less imminent... Now Charlotte, Susan tells me that you are in the middle of a tragic love story! Nearly as tumultuous as my own and yet hopefully with an even more incandescent marriage at its end."

"You must be mistaken Mrs. Darcy, there is no chance for me to be involved with love or marriage at this time." Charlotte replied, curious about Mrs. Darcy's story but unwilling to go into details about her own.

"My dear," began Lady Susan, "You must be honest with yourself at least and trust me to help you! I asked these friends here today to unveil a scheme I have to hopefully help you find happiness and to promote the town of Sanditon which I know you love so well. There is much to discuss."

The Future of SanditonTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon