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Another person was killed, Jonathon Masbeth! I decided to go to the little mortuary where Ichabod and Young Masbeth, his new sidekick was. I was walking towards the door when Young Masbeth walked in.

"Miss. Ginger, good to see you out and about."

"Thank you young man, where's the constable?"

"Inside, he just sent me out."

"I'll see to him."

"But there's dead bodies in there."

"Aren't you forgetting I'm blind?"

"No ma'am."

I smirked.

"I have a good sense of everything, like you're helping Mr. Crane to avenge your father, hunt the Hessian down. I would like to join too."

"He doesn't believe the Hessian story."


"He says it's a myth."

"I was there, it's true, I'm very sure, him, soldiers, the twin girls in the woods. They buried him with his head chopped off. Excuse me."

I walked in the room where Ichabod was.


"Miss. Ginger, what are you doing here?"

"Just observing your autopsy. I could also be of service to you and Young Masbeth."

"Observe away."

He put on those weird looking goggles.

"You look like a little bug with those things, just as cute as when you were seven."

"Still I don't remember you, and you are blind right?"

"Yes, I maybe blind but I have senses like a predator sniffing and tracking down it's prey. Lion, tiger, or a bear, any animal with strong senses. Anyways, the lady's pregnant but she died along with the baby."

Ichabod looked at me.

"How do you know this?"

"Cut her belly open."

He did just that, then I heard a squirt.

"See? You may have saw her sucking face with a man outside during that party."

"Ah, I did notice." 

"Still a sperm developing, it never stood a bloody chance."

Ichabod left the room. He told the others that the woman was with child.

I walked out behind him.

"Miss. Ginger, what're you doing here?" Lord Van Tassel asked.

"I just observed the constable my lord. I pointed out the pregnancy."

"Miss, let me ask you, are you a witch?"

"Why are you asking me?"

"Suspicion, you've been teaching my daughter things."

"Oh my lord, my lord, Katrina is a innocent girl, I would never teach her anything harmful, but what I am teaching her is that she could be friends with whoever and not to be a judgy twat!"

I walked away to my house.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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