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You speed walk up to the prison doors, humming I Don't Wanna Be Free. You go up to the desk.

"Name?" The lady asks.

"Y/N," You reply, knowing you were late.  

"And...who are you here to see?"

"Yancy," You tap your fingers on your leg, wanting this to be done.

"Second door on the right. By the way, you may have to wait, it's packed," The lady says, once again, pointing down the hall. You quickly thank her and go to the room. She was right, there were no empty seats. Family and friends wanting to see their loved ones for Christmas, well, as close as they could get anyways.

Time Skip

You waited about an hour before there was an empty seat. You quickly go to it before anyone else could take it. A guard comes to the glass instead of who you were expecting.

"Who are you here to see?" He asks.

"Yancy," You reply, being excited to see him again.

"Okay, give me one second," He replies, and leaves the room. You bounce your leg with anticipation. About five minutes later, Yancy walks through the door. He looks down and has bandages on his face. Despite how worried you are, you give him a smile. He smiles back, still looking upset.

"Hey," You say, really hoping it wouldn't be as awkward as last time.

"Hey," He responds, with attempted enthusiasm. You can tell it's fake, but you still smile at him. After a few moments of silence, you are determined to actually have a conversation.

"What happened?" You ask, you see the look on his face change to something unreadable.

"Don't wanna talk about it,"  That went well...

"Sorry," You say quietly. "You doing okay?" You ask.

"Yea, I'm doing good, what about yous?" Now that was a lie. He was not doing good, he looks like shit. You decide not to push it.

"I'm doing okay," You reply. More moments of silence pass by before one of you talks, surprisingly, it's Yancy.

"Yous want to know what happened?" He asks, looking at you now. You just nod. "I gots into a fight, with someone I thought was my friend. It was nasty, got put in solitary for a few days," Well, now you feel like shit. 

"I'm sorry that happened," You reply, feeling terrible.

"Why are yous sorry? Yous didn't do anythings." You don't know why, but you put your hand up to glass, to show comfort. You're about to take your hand down when you realize, Yancy put his hand on the other side of the glass, over yours. You decide to keep your hand there, instead of it being awkward, it was a bit more comfortable. Once again before you get to talk more, the prisoners have to go back to their cells. Neither of you want to move the hands. Eventually, Yancy is the first to remove his hand and leave. Once again, you both wave to each other as you both leave the rooms.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2020 ⏰

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