Part 2 : The sleepover

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Todoroki perspective:
God that was  too close I thought behind the safety of my ice wall. "Todoroki, Todoroki-Kun are you ok, why did you put up a wall."
I heard his footsteps near. I panicked, stumbling over my word stay stuff like falling over and sorry for be late, however Izuku continue to walk towards "please Midoriya I fine you don't need to come over here "I begged but he continued to walk forward, at this rate he was going to see me and Bakugo together and assume things  and rumours might start and Bakugo would probably kill us both if he came with a wrong conclusion of us both hiding in the classroom together.

Izuku head peered over as I made another ice wall Just before the ice wall came I got a glimpse of his face he look so scared and confused. "I'm alright" I called to him "I'll be ready in a minute." I  leaned over and whisper in Bakugo's ear, my lips brushing against it and said "when me and Midoriya leave make sure that you wait  ten minutes then come out and if people ask say that you had knock over something and I was helping you pick it up." I saw Bakugo open his mouth to argue otherwise so I clamped his mouth shut pressing my hand firmly against his lips shaking my head, now was no the time for him to argue.

I felt his soft lips close and then I wondered what it would have felt like against my own, I felt my cheeks flush red at the thought. Pervert a voice rang in my head. I quick took my hand off him and climbed off before grabbed my bag and melted one of the ice walls with my fire, making sure to evaporate the water too.
"Aren't you going to melt the other one?" Midoriya questioned whilst trying to look over it.

I panicked, Bakugo was behind there and if I didn't do anything he was going to be discovered and I was going to be exposed "c..c ..come on, we are late as it is and no one is gone no to be in here until after break so it should be okay for now I check at break, ok?" 

"Okay." He replies sounded not certain but shrugging it off. I gripped his arm to speed him up a bit and we both left the classroom.

Bakugo perspective:
That was close, too close I thought that I was going to be fucked but luckily that half and half bastard  saved my ass otherwise I don't know what I would have said to that damn nerd. Any way what the fuck was that half playing at anyway going on me and whispering in my ear all sexual like. SHIT! Then I left the classroom pissed, what was he thinking playing games with me I thought, he was gonna regret doing that.

At lunchtime I saw half going to sit with his friends and before he could reach the table I grabbed him by the collar and dragged him in to the corridor so we could talk in private. "Just because you help me doesn't mean I'm going to be nice to you ok bastard!" I told him.

He just stared at me  blankly with his dumb mis-match eyes and said "ok but did you need to.."
"Shut the fuck up." I say.  He immediately zipped it and just stood up there . "B..Bakugo about the sleepover" he began. 

3rd person:
Bakugo set off an explosion with his hand that was against the wall making Todoroki jump a little. "bastard I said shut up" Bakugo said menacingly in a whisper sending a chill up Todoroki's spine. He knew better than to push it. So he said sorry quietly and left mumbling under his breath.

~On Thursday ~

Bakugo perspective:
I came home from school pissed as ever Mina, Sero, denki and Kirishima talking about how excited they were for their plans for the night and what they were going to do reminding me that I need to spend the night with that bastard and that damn nerd Deku be irrelevant as usual.

I came in and throw down my bag at the door ready for tomorrow as my stupid mum reminds my that that half and half bastard is coming and that I need to tidy my room in preparation because he was going to be sleeping there. If that dumb half bastard dose not like how my room is he can sleep outside for all I care. I ignore my mum and  go in to my bedroom and play on my x-box. After some time my mum comes in with dinner and the hits my on the head and scowls at me for not listening and tidying up. I shout back at her to get her ass out of my room and and then she shout back over the gunshots of my game something about her being out and half using my room so I was on the sofa and I grunt in reply to get her out.

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