Some children left behind

Start from the beginning

Then Mr Iglesias hit trumps picture with a cardboard stick. "Until now." Mr Iglesias said. We all started laughing. "We went from powdered wigs to one wig dipped in Cheeto dust." He continued. After that we were dying laughing. Then our principal miss Madison came in and we stopped laughing and sat up straight. "At ease y'all." Miss Madison said. "Oh hey." Mr Iglesias said.

"Mr Iglesias is the cool teacher. Why can't I be the cool principal?" Miss Madison said. Me and Marisol both raised our hands. My dad looked at us both. "That is not a real question." Mr. Iglesias said as we put our hands down. "Oh." Me and Marisol said. Then the bell rang dismissing us. We all got up until Miss Madison stopped us. "Hold on, hold on. Before you ghost ride your whips, play domino's on your stoop, drink your sizzurp." Miss Madison said. Me and Lorenzo both turned around confusingly. "What is this old beat talking about?" Me and Lorenzo asked.

Then we turned back into the front. "I want you to tell me something you learned this year." Miss Madison said.  Mr Iglesias turned to the back of the class where grace the quiet girl that sits in class and just listens instead of talking. "Grace, you wanna make me look good in front of principal Madison?" Mr Iglesias asked. While silently praying for her to say 'yes'. "Grace talks in front of people now? I thought she had social anxiety?" Miss Madison asked.

"Uh, she does, but she learned how to talk using the computer. She's still a little shy, though." Mr Iglesias explained. "I learned that principal Madison sometimes cries in the parking lot in her Ford Fiesta." Grace computer said. Principal Madison went wide eyed. The class started giggling about that. Mr Iglesias went to the back where Grace is slowly. "Not shy enough. And for the record it is a Hyundai Elantra." Miss Madison said. "And for the record grace's wi-fi just went bye-bye." Mr Iglesias said as he closed Grace laptop.

Miss Madison turned to look at Mr Iglesias. "Gabe, I will see you in my office at 11:15. And some of you I will see next year." Miss Madison said. Then we all got up to leave. "Hey, wait, what do you mean, 'some'?" Mr Iglesias asked. Me and Marisol got up excited. "We just became sophomores!!" Me and Marisol yelled out. "Yup! Yup! PE requirements, done!" Walter said as he left the room. I stayed behind a little bit.

"Everybody have a good summer! Stay out of trouble! Don't get caught!" Mr Iglesias said. While everyone left it was only me, my dad and grace. "Can I talk to you Mr Iglesias?" Grace asked. "Being that I'm the only person besides y/n you speak to out loud, I have to say yes." Mr Iglesias said. "I wanted to warn you, Paula's probably a little cranky. She hasn't been getting a lot of pokes on her dating app, if you know what I mean." Grace said. Me and dad looked at each other confused and then looked back to grace.

"I know what you mean, but do you know what you mean?" Mr Iglesias asked her. Grace just looked at him confused. "Grace we talked about your hacking problem." I said. "How about you? Are you on any dating sites?" Grace asked Mr Iglesias. "Uh, just one. It's called uh, 'taking time to reflect on my personal mistakes . . . Dot com." Mr Iglesias said. "Have a good summer." My dad said. After that grace left and then Marisol came into the classroom to give my dad a gift. "Oh, this is sick!" My dad said as Marisol handed him a VW bus. "1962 VW bus. Hippie not included." Marisol said. I just realized how close me and her are as I try not to blush.

Marisol looked at me and realized how close we are as she blushed so hard. She then turned back to my dad as I was confused of why Marisol would blush. "You could put it on your dashboard for your guys summer trip." Marisol said to both of us. "Oh, thank you. Dashboard? What do you mean, dashboard? No, I'm putting this in a safety-deposit box. You know this is officially the nicest thing I own." Dad said. "God, I hope your kidding." Marisol said. "Sad thing is, he is not joking." I said. "But you deserve it. Thanks for a great year, Mr Iglesias." Marisol said.

She then grabbed my hand to leave the classroom. I looked back at my dad who had a smirk on his face as we were walking out. Me and Marisol went to our locker which where right beside each other when there is a piece of paper in our locker. When I read it I was being counseled out for bad attendance which my dad knows about since I have two jobs to help him out around the apartment. "You got one two y/n?" Marisol asked me. "Yea, it was for bad attendance since I work two jobs to help out my dad." I said.

I looked up at her. "How about you Marisol?" I asked her as I leaned against my locker. "Same thing with me as well." She said. I see my dad walking towards us. "Hey, there they are. Always reading something." Dad said. "Yea, our obituary." I said as I handed it to my dad. "No way. Oh, they've gone too far now. You guys are not just my best students, you're my favorite students." Dad said. "We know you say that to all of us." Marisol said. While I agreed with her. "Yea, I know, but when I'm talking to you two, I'm not lying." Dad said.

"Letter said it's 'cause of attendance. We kinda missed some afternoon classes." I said while scratching the back of my neck every time I'm nervous. "Like how many?" He asked us. "Like all of them." Marisol said. "I work to help my family, but I did the assignments so did y/n." Marisol said. "I'm gonna take this to somebody who can help fix it." Dad said. "Oh, my god dad, are you gonna have Hernandez jumped?" I asked excitedly. "No, but I like your idea much better mija." Dad said as he left. "Man and I really wanted Hernandez jumped." I whined.

Marisol just giggled and patted my shoulder and closed our lockers. "Same y/n, same." Marisol said. Then we walked to class together without knowing we were holding hands. As we took our seats my dad walked in to talk to us about something. "Okay. Some of you are here because of your poor grades, poor attendance, disciplinary reasons, or all of the above." Mr Iglesias said. "Messed around and got a triple-double." Walter said while pointing at Lorenzo. "Yep. I gotta say, it was a good day." Lorenzo said while chuckling and high fiving Walter.

"Alright, so I got some good news, and I got some bad news. The good news is no one is getting counseled out." Mr Iglesias said. Everyone but Walter sighed in relief. "Yea, the bad news is . . .we're gonna have to do summer school." Mr Iglesias finished. We all groaned about doing summer school. "Wait, those are both bad things!" Walter yelled. "I don't know, now I've got something to do this summer." Mikey said. "Yea, I got something to do this summer too, and it's not school." Lorenzo said.

Then we all got up and left while me and Marisol stayed behind. "Yay, Mr Iglesias saved the day! We love him and his hat!" Dad said in a high pitched voice. "What about your trip?" Marisol asked my dad. "Eh, who wants to roll around in a cool Volkswagen bus, listening to 90's jams and going to wrestling events?" Dad said while holding his toy Volkswagen bus. "I'm gonna guess you?" Marisol said. "Yea. Maybe I didn't think this through." Dad said.

After that me and Marisol left to go home now I usually go with my dad but I got my skateboard with me so he doesn't have to drive me all the time. "See you later y/n." Marisol said. "See you later Marisol." I said while I smiled at her, making her blush a little. I've been doing that a lot lately. I've rode my skateboard home. Once I got home I just changed into some other clothes and laid down my bed and fell asleep.

Mr Iglesias daughter Where stories live. Discover now