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XXX super concert, S.K

Lisa. A feminine girl that she is, she looks elegant and dreamy with her midnight-black hair. It flowed over her shoulders.

The way she bounces whenever she met her lovely fans and friends or receiving foods.

The way her small face with saccharine sweet lips flatter his heart whenever she hugs her plushie over her chest and makes a pout.

Her eyelashes were velvety with hints of glittery under her virility-brown eyes.
She blinks slowly when she watches her almost hideous cell in her grips.

She's texting with someone, he assumes.

She doesn't pay much attention to others even though it's crowded at backstage.

She seems to focused only on the person in the other line instead of contacting with her staffs that were sitting near her.

"He or she must be an important person." his voice was above a whisper.

Sigh, he remembers the other night when he first saw her at a local country.

The moons delicate light had just turned the world a-flame with silver when he caught her figure walking across the road.

She was filming something with her own camera.

and still, she didn't have anyone to accompany her during the night; at least, the small object did.

He desperately wanted to go to her.
But his legs won't.

He was with his close friends. He can't make things went awkward if he did what his heart wanted.

They walked in the opposite side of roads and he can only call her name over and over again inside his head, recalling her sculpted figure until she disappeared from his sight.

He met his long-time crush at his dream-visiting city which was 東京⁽¹⁾.

What kind of plot was this?

He doesn't know but he loves it.

and he hope he will meet her again.

and he hope he will meet her again

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¹東京 trans Tokyo.

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