From A Dare To A Heartbreak

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Emily: YOLOS!!!!!!

Selena: Why am I related to you?

Emily: Don't be a salty potato Sel.

Wolfie: Hey Em.

Emily: Hm?

Wolfie: I dare you to go kiss your crush...

Emily: HA!!! Easy Peasy!!!

Wolfie: AhAhAh!!!! I didn't finish!!!! You have to do it on the lips....

Selena: Oop!!!

Emily: What?!?!? No way!!!!!

*Diamond walks in*

Diamond: What's going on?

Selena: Emily's been dared to kiss her crush on the lips!!!! *laughs*

Diamond: Oh....Wait....Who IS her crush anyway?

Selena: *smirks at Emily* Oh the one and only Dopey...

Emily: Sh-SHUT UP SELENA!!!! I DON'T LIKE HIM LIKE THAT!!! *face goes red*

Selena: *falls on the floor laughing*

Wolfie: Wow...just wow....

Diamond: *gasps* OMIGERSH!!!! I JUST HAD AN IDEA!!!


The6G: WHAT!?!?!

Diamond: Yup!!!

Ally: Diamond No!!!!

Diamond: Cmon guys!!!! We can't hold back forever!!!!!

Selena: Can and Will

Luna: You are crazy Diamond

Diamond: Aren't we all?

Luna: Fair point

Lavender: D-do we have to?

Diamond: Yes Lav  you have to. ALL OF YOU have to

The6G: *groans*

Diamond: Cmon guys what's the big deal?

Ally: Well...

Selena: It's complicated

Diamond: Oh please it's not gonna be that bad

Wolfie: Diamond this is the7D we're talking about. THE7D!!!

Diamond: Aka your crushes 😏

The6G: Aka yours too

Diamond: Touche.....BUT WE'RE STILL DOING IT!!

The6G: NO

Diamond: I'll buy y'all ice cream


Diamond: Hehe works every time 😎

*at the7D's cottage*

Doc: Oh hi girls!

The6G: Hi Doc!!

Ally: *blushes like crazy*

Selena: Say hi ALLISON

Ally: *still blushing* shut up SELENIA

*they both glare at each other*

Doc: ummmm.....

Ally: OH! Sorry about that....hehe *blushes* (seriously?)

Diamond: *whispers to Ally* Al do it now!!

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