Part 9 - Everything and nothing

Start from the beginning

Mr.Incognito: I'll have to wait with hope that she'll someday understand that the things that make her mad are the only ways I know to love her. At other times, my actions which she interprets as measures to protect her, could perhaps just be those meant to guard myself.

The flowers won't solve things between us but it may serve to keep us walking together until we can offer to understand each other's fears, madness and the little quirks that make us who we are.

She wasn't prepared for his heartfelt response that somehow appeared to douse the last remnants of sullenness stuck to her. 

In reality, she didn't know Ri Jyeong Hyuk's side of the story that could perhaps explain why he'd decided to keep his presence in Swiss a secret. There was always more than what met the eye with Ri Jyeong Hyuk. The many instances, he'd acknowledged he was well, to allay her fears were countless after all. 

She could wait too until he fathoms her fears, madness and the little quirks that made her who she was. Perhaps, then he would let her in to share his own fears, madness and show his little quirks as the man he really was, she convinced herself. There was no promise of a future with him and yet, she wanted to believe such a day would come. 

Ms.Edelweiss: You were right to guess that I was having a bad day. However, your words offer a perspective that I was entirely missing.

Mr.Incognito: Mr.E is a lucky man. I can tell...

Mr.Edelweiss: Pro-tip - When all else fails, turn to Hot Chocolate. It can warm even the coldest of hearts.

Mr.Incognito: That sounds like a good plan B.

It was good chatting with you. Tc!

Ms.Edelweiss: Likewise! Good luck! 

Closing the window, she stepped out of the apartment for a walk. Ambling aimlessly down the streets, she was reminded of the time he'd shown up as a miracle amidst the crowds. Her eyes wavered caught in a frenzy of searching, wishing she'll find him in the vicinity. It was a while before she stopped seeking his face in all those who passed by and returned home, exhausted on all fronts. 


Ever since she learned of his presence in Swiss during her birthday trip, she couldn't bring herself to write him anymore, save the last one she'd sent to pen down her dismay. 

Yet, when February arrived, she was unable to hold back from leaving to Swiss again. Her Omma and her assistants had been of the opinion, she would be spending her birthday in Seoul. The arrangements for a small surprise party were in full swing when she sprung the news of her impromptu vacation upon them. 

"Oh, you'll figure it out," she snapped in response to the grumbles and murmurs of her office staff, who had lined up a full schedule of openings and events for her to attend. 

"I'll be back once I'm done figuring out what I want for a future," she told her Omma before hanging up. The short notice kept her Omma from joining her on the trip. However, in spite of her assurances, she didn't believe her Omma would stay behind in Seoul when she couldn't give her a return date. 

With a latent fight in her heart to both seek him and not to seek him, she wandered the streets of Sigriswil. At the Panorama bridge, the sun swept over her head, to land by the horizon. Standing by the rails, the beauty of the evanescent dusk, supplanted her fear of heights. Memories from the day her will to live on had broken, pierced her. He'd showed up then as a distraction, asking that she take a picture of him and Seo Dan. A red streak lined the edge of the sky and it reminded her that they were bound by a similar red thread of fate that ran from her little finger to his. 

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