Southgate vs Dumbledore

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Gabby tugged on her tie as she finished getting dressed for her court case as Harry ran in and covered in mud "Harry Jamie Robbie Southgate, get in the bath now" "gotta catch me, Mum" Gabby laughed as she went tearing after her muddy son and managed to wrangle him into a bath "look, you're gonna stay with Uncle Mark while Mum goes out for a bit" Harry's face lit up eagerly.

She got Harry into a clean outfit and dropped him off at Mark's before driving to meet Jamie and Alan "hey" the two nodded "you doing alright?" Alan Shearer looked concerned for her "yeah, Steve's doing what he can from Madrid and Robbie's not happy, I may or may not have had a severe rant in Scouse down my ear" Gabby said, wincing as she had called Robbie Fowler earlier and he hadn't been pleased about what Dumbledore had done "yeah, Rob's got his hands full at the moment with Mickey, Carra and Stevie" Alan said, he'd been keeping an eye on a youngster from Sunderland who was showing a lot of promise in the football world, but had began to notice said young girl was able to see the truth of what a player was.

Gabby was fixing her Middlesbrough jacket when she saw a familiar face "Narcissa" she smiled, the Malfoy lady was pleased to see her friend "I heard what happened, I never believed Sirius was your keeper. I knew it was Gary" Gabby nodded "where's Harry? I thought he would be with you" Narcissa said "he's with my goalkeeper, Mark's a werewolf who won't take shit with Dumbledore" the footballing world had its own unique gifts with their players, some were vampires, others werewolves, some had magic and others had other gifts of their own "do you think they'll believe you?" Narcissa asked "I'm Lady Potter, even if I'm widowed, non-magical and go by my maiden name for work" Gabby said firmly, using what her team called her 'Skipper' tone of voice where she held no room for arguments.

Gabby walked into the Atrium beside Jamie and Alan, quite a few of United's team were waiting inside for them, poor Gary looking a wreck "Gary, I never blamed you. Never have, never will. Harry's been calling you his 'Uncle' Gary and asking to meet you" Gary gave a tearful smile "even though I was going out with the woman who kidnapped him and got his father killed?" Gabby gave him a sisterly kiss on the forehead "he knows what happened, he doesn't blame you" Gabby assured him, Ryan knuckled him on the head "told you" Ole smiled at his friends, Gary looked beyond relieved as the footballers were called in to face the Magical Government "it's like going to the FA when we've really fucked up" Paul grumbled "don't remind me" Gary glared at his best friend and teammate.

"May I call Ms Gabrielle Southgate" Nicky grumbled a fair few choice words under his breath "shouldn't that be Lady Potter? After all, she was married to a Lord of our world and is the mother of his heir" Jamie calmly reasoned "the Ministry calls Lady Gabrielle Southgate" Amelia Bones amended, knowing Gabby was mostly known through her maiden name due to the work she did, Gabby stood and walked to the chair in the middle of the room, glaring at Dumbledore who simply smiled serenely "Lady Southgate, may I inquire of what you do for a living?" A woman who reminded Gabby of a Toad and wore too much pink with her black robes asked her in a sickly sweet voice which made Gabby turn her lip up in disgust "I play football for a living."

"And what is this 'football', Lady Southgate?" Gabby rolled her eyes "Madam Bones, is it possible Gabby can use her memories to show what our sport is?" Alan asked, Amelia nodded as Gabby's memories of playing for Crystal Palace, Aston Villa and her current games as Middlesbrough captain as well as her games as a defender for the English National Team came through the pensive like they were watching a game of football normally, Gabby still wincing at the missed penalty from her disastrous game at Euro '96 "this is a barbaric sport..." "and Quidditch isn't? What rules and regulations have you got in place? How many players have died on the pitch?" Gabby shot back, knowing football had so many rules and regulations to keep the game fair.

The toad-faced woman then glared at her and shut up "Gabby's a good mother, she always makes time for our kids as if they were her own and she definitely made time for Harry when she had him for only a year before Professor Dumbledore wiped her memory of James and her son" Phil Neville spoke up, Gabby touched that the entire Football community was actually behind her in this as she felt it through football's magick that her entire team was with her spiritually as well as the entire Premier League, Championship, League One, League Two and Sunday League "it is a criminal offence what Ms Evans committed, Dumbledore will be constantly monitored in addition to Lady Southgate retaining rightful custody of her son and therefore his estates."

Harry was playing on the floor with Mark's children when Gabby came to pick him up "Mum!" Gabby was exhausted, but knelt and hugged her son "no bother?" Mark shook his head "good as gold" Gabby stood and carried Harry to her car, buckling him in on his booster seat "he's knackered, Mark. Have you played with him all day?" Mark gave a wolfish grin "might have done, Skipper" Gabby rolled her eyes as she gave him a hug "I'll see you in training tomorrow, Harry's gonna be starting school in September so he'll only be with us for the Summer" Mark nodded "see you in the morning, Gabby" Gabby smiled and drove back home to bed with a tired Harry.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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