Disputes over....dinner?

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Tasha's pov.
So I'm sitting here....alone eating dinner my husband's either at work or at an hotel or in some Woman's bed laying up with her. Ari is Sleep when she wakes up I'm gonna give her some cook up vegetables and meat. Brian should be in by 2:00 a.m. The money is great, i make a lot and So do he--- we sign an $5.4 million dollar pre-nup that if he cheats on me and gets an divorce i get all the assets, acessories, all the Jewelry,money, cars, clothes. The house Everything he owns i get.
And if we have kids the Children get 42 billion dollars. So....that's the deal.

Brian and i haven't had sex in months! I mean, i can barely look at him knowing he's screwing half of Atlanta while I'm at work....trying to take care of him, the rent, the electric, the gas,  and the water bill. Plus the morage.
I just don't know where me and Brian stand on our marriage---it's like if I'm not there to save him he'll fall apart and do ballistic stuff....like get drunk or have sex with many women.

I had two abortions when i was in my teens one i was 16 years old and the other i was 17. Brian didn't want to be an dad--- he said "fatherhood" would ruin his dreams of being an lawyer, of getting an $1,000 scholarship, and of going to college to get his Degree. To be honest Brian wasn't mature to be an dad at 16, he was too busy in his prime being popular----and having all the girls want him there were many times i had Doubts of getting married..... I did because Brian cheated on me. I'll never forget walking in on him and my cousin, Jade Woods Harloway. They were having sex in my bed...in my apartment. He begged me to marry him----i was still inlove with him despite his Cheating on me and i gave him an Second chance.

Our Wedding was incredible. We got married in France. It was so Fancy, elegant and graceful. 6,000 people show up and that's not including my or Brian's family. After we got married we went to the Bahamas to our Home Suite Honeymoon for 4 weeks. It was lovely we drank Wine, ate Seafood, went swimming, saw some waterfalls, and caves we had sex in some waterfalls and caves. We went skinny dipping we had sex in the pool. It was we made love every day and all day on our honeymoon. I found out i was pregnant a few months down the road.
But,i lost the baby----i was 18 i lost the baby because it was an party and it was an shooting....and instead of me being in bed getting sleep i went out to party with some of my roomates in college and....someone came in the party and an bullet went off and one of the bullets hit me and the baby....thank god i survived but i was heartbroken i lost my baby. I was 7-8 weeks pregnant.

Brian's dad, Michael Luvetto Jameson.
I don't like him-why? Because most of Brian's childhood he sexually abuse him and his three sisters. He physically beated on him and his brother. Brian had bruises on his back from when he was an young child. He would burn him with an iron, put an ciagrette in his hair, make him touch an hot stove.
He did Pyschotic stuff to Brian....he even raped His mother, and now being in prison for 23 years- he's out now but  he expects forgiveness and an chance to reconcile with Brian,but that abuse is still there----every memory, every flashback, every scar is there because that's an disturbing mind damaging image he'll always carry in the back of his head.

A phone rings.

I get the phone and i see My mom calling me....i grab it and pick it up.

"Hey mama,  what's going on?".

"Nothing.... How's my beautiful amazingly talented Daughter?".

" I'm fine mom....I'm watching Ari".

"Ughhh....Brian's daughter".

" yup, you know i get really tired of putting up with this".

"Hey....hey.... Hey---- don't give up.... He loves you, i see the way you light him up".

" Maybe it's the sex that lights him up".

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