"No," I grumble, "I'll stay until I'm sure he's better. It's the least I can do."

"Perfect!" She stands up happily, "so like, a month or so, right? That's enough time."

"A month?! Enough time for what-" I look over at her in confusion but she's already turned her back to me and is walking out of the restroom, "Angelica, that's enough time for what?!"

Wesley gets back and has a bowl and several small towels on his hands.

"I thought you might need these too..." He signals to the towels on his left hand, then he steps closer and puts the bowl under the sink, "so Y/N... I guess you must hate me too."

"I don't, Wesley," I'm not looking at him since I'm trying to put Josh in a more comfortable and easy position to clean his hand, but I can hear the nervousness on Wesley's voice, so I figure it's a good moment to set the record straight, "Do I think you were an idiot back in Highschool? Totally. I hated how you washed your hands from your friends' shitty actions; all that is over now, though. We're not in Highschool anymore and holding grudges over something that happened back then would be stupid."

"You're the first one to say that to me," He lets out a nervous laugh, I hear his steps getting closer and his hand appears at my eye level with the bowl and a towel, I take them silently and start to clean Josh's hand.

"Well, I'm not the one you bothered the most at school, if things were different, maybe I'd still be hating you. I still hate Hoyles, for example. And Turbo is no better. At least you do your weird samurai shit without annoying others."

"I guess..." He sits beside me, waiting for me to finish my work, "I don't really remember you from Highschool if I'm honest."

"But you knew my name," I give him a quick look, "when I got here with Josh, you said my name."

"Yeah, cause I knew you from my time with the jocks and Turbo. You were always around School, doing this and that, whatever it was that Mona Lisa asked you to do. And you never spoke much with others. I saw you walk away from some of the Football players that tried to flirt"

"I wasn't very fond of any of them. I was there for survival only. Then I decided I would be fine on my own and left," Josh mumbles something and I stop what I'm doing, however, he's still asleep and I start to put the bandage around his hand, "the real question here is, why did you go? You were Turbo's right-hand man, you had everything"

"I didn't have my freedom," He answers, "Turbo can be... possessive, with his closest friends."

"That sucks," I finish the bandage and look over for the tape.

"Here," He grabs it from behind me and I take it with a soft 'thanks', "so what's your story, then? You had no friends on Highschool or something?"

"What'd you mean?"

"Why are you on your own?"

"Oh. Well, I did have friends," I'm careful to wrap the tape only around the bandage and not the skin, so it doesn't hurt him when he has to pull it off, "I had plenty, but you know how it is when a group of friends is not united by some common liking or hobby. When they're just your friends cause you like them and that's all. They felt like our group was lacking some kind of essence. So they went to the tribes that felt right for them."

"And you?"

"There's no tribe that specializes in doing random teenager stuff," I chuckle, "I liked art stuff. And I wasn't a fan of the Kardashians or did sports, or farming, or knew about tech and games... the Cheeramazons asked too much... I had this friend, Alex. He and I were a team. Until he also left."

"That sucks," Wesley nods, "but hey, you're welcome to stay with us as long as you want. Me and Angelica, cause Josh will flee as soon as he feels better."

"And I will do too," I reply, finishing my work and cleaning my hands with the towel, "thanks for the offer, Wes, but I don't feel like joining any group. I just don't feel that works for me anymore, you know?"

"Hey, I'm no one to tell you how to live your life," He shrugs, "you're free to do as you please."

"Sure," I smile at him, "you're kinder than what I had originally thought."

"Thanks," He nods, "you're cooler than I thought. Now let me help you with this obsolete boy"

We get up and together grab Josh by the arms and put each one around our necks to take him somewhere where he can lay and rest. Angelica sees us and tells us that there's a bed inside the store on our right, so that's where we take him.

"Now what?" Wesley asks me.

I have no clue about what the fuck am I doing, and I'm not their leader, Josh kind of was. Isn't it Wesley the one who should be telling me what to do now that Josh is out?

"I should be asking you that," I frown, "Aren't you like the second in command?"

"Fuck no, I'm not doing that again so soon," He raises his hands, stepping back, "you're the one who did all the curing, you know better"

"I know shit," I reply, "I did what I think it could work to save him but if that doesn't work someone has to take care of this cause Triumph might come back, or Turbo might still be looking for all of you and Angelica is your responsibility now."

"Hey, I don't need a fucking babysitter, Doctor House," Angelica replies from her place next to Crumble who somehow got a hold of Josh's finger and is practically drooling, "so don't try to use me."

"Fine," I walk out of the store.

"Hey, where are you going?"

"I'm going to get Josh's stuff from the bathroom and bring them here. Then I'm going to get my backpack and hammer and also bring them here. Let's wait until Josh wakes up if he wakes up."

Starcrossed Losers (Josh Wheeler xFem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now