~Chapter 2 What Should We Do With You

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David POV

I woke up with a banging headache, I groaned in pain. Everything around me was dark, I tried moving my hands. I then realized I was tried up, my legs were free but there were still not much I could do. "He's awake" I heard that Irishman yell which relieved me that he was here but at the same time scared me.

I moved my head side to side to see if I could find him. It was then I realized I was wearing a blindfold. "Hey" I heard Terrorizer whisper shouted to me. "Hm" I hummed and turned my head towards the direction I heard him from. "So your an Irishman too" he asked, now the voice was in front. "Yeah" I answered shaking a little and he must of noticed. "Hey it's okay, I'm not going to hurt ya" he said in a soft voice putting a hand on my shoulder. I flinched a little at the sudden contact but soon realized.

I was scared to asked but I needed answers. "Umm....do ye mind telling me........what are ye going to do with me" I asked in a whisper. "Uhh, I don't know, it's up to Vanoss, he will be the one to tell us what your faith may be" he answered with a bit of sympathy. I frowned, my head now hanging downwards.

So this is it, I'm most likely going to die here. I just hope they make it fast and painless. "Hey" I heard Terrorizer say, trying to get my attention but I didn't move, not even a little bit. "Yeah" I answered quietly, "what's your name" he asked. "My name.." I questioned to myself for second.

Do I trust this guy, I asked myself. "My name is David" I finally answered and there was a moment of silence. "Hey, can ye promise me something, one Irishman to another" I asked. "I'm not sure if I can, it depends on what it is" he answered. "It's nothing to serious..." I mumbled a little, I felt my eyes well up with tears. I don't want to say this....but I know there might be no way I'm going to survive this, so I have to ask.

Wildcat POV

I was going down to the basement to tell Brian to get the prisoners out here. When I happened to hear them talking, I put my ear against the door to hear what they were saying. "What's your name" I heard Brian ask the prisoner. "My name.." the prisoner questioned.

It turned quiet and I was debating if I should open the door or not. I decided I would let this one ride out a little longer. "My name is David" he answered finally, so that's what his name is, David.

There was a moment of silence before David started talking again. "Hey, can ye promise me something, one Irishman to another" David asked, is guy really trying to make deals. I would open this door right now and kill him for trying.

A smirk grew on my face as clutched the door handle to the basement. "I'm not sure if I can, it depends on what it is" I heard Brian answer back. Is Brian really trying to make a deal with this guy. "It's nothing to serious..." David mumbled, yeah right it not serious.

I was just about to turn the door knob and bust in there and yell at Brian for trying to make a deal with him. Until, "promise me, ye will make it quick and painless" David asked and my smirk of evil turned into a sympathetic frown.

Why am I feeling sympathy for him, I then heard some faint sniffling coming from behind the door. "I promise" Brian promised him, "thanks" I heard David mumbled.

Maybe it's time for me to come in now, I slowly turn the door handle and enter the room. They both turned their heads into my direction and I realized that David was still blindfolded. "Terriozer, it's time, take him up stairs" I said plainly with no emotion what so ever and turned to leave.

Terrorizer POV

Tyler walked out of the room, I sighed deeply. Tyler is a nice guy, it's just that he can really be an asshole sometimes. I looked at David with sympathy, even though he couldn't see it. "Are you ready to go David" I asked him and he nodded slightly.

I looked at his restrains, his hands were slightly red from how tight they were. "If I take your restrains off, promise me you won't do anything shady" I pleaded and he nodded his head. "Ok don't move, this might hurt" I warned him and took out my pocketknife. I put the knife between his restrains and quickly cut up and the restrains fell.

He brought his hands to his chest, rubbing his wrists slightly. I slowly cupped his hand into mine and started rubbing them with my thumb. "Does your hands hurt" I asked him and he was silent. It started to worry me a little, I really don't like it when people give me the silent treatment.

I sighed, "well, it's time to go" I mumbled and grabbed his wrist. He groaned in pain, "oh sorry, sorry" I apologized and loosen my grip and gently dragged him to the door.

~Time Skip

We were now in the meeting room and I was getting a bit worried for David. He's the first Irishman I met in a long time. I stood on David's left side while Marcel stood on his right. Vanoss was just in front of us, sitting in his chair. He tapped his finger together before standing up from his chair.

He walked over to David, he grabbed the back of David's blindfold and slowly removed it. We were all wearing our masks, well except me. It didn't really matter since part of my face was half robot. Plus, I didn't have nothing to hide from him.

Vanoss grabbed David's chin to make David look at him. Vanoss examined his face for a few seconds, before he looked down at David's hands. He grabbed them and then looked straight at me. I nervously looked down but immediately looked back up. "Surprised you haven't did anything yet" Vanoss admitted before looking him straight in the eye. "David do you know your place" Vanoss asked, "I don't know, what do ye think about me, what is my place, what role do ye have for me, is it the death role" David replied back raising an eyebrow at him. "Hmm......I like you, you have bravery and confident but you also have a gentle touch" Vanoss stated. "We're going to need to fix that if your going to join the group" Vanoss said and I let out a sigh of relief.

Vanoss then turned he's gaze towards us, "Squeaker, your going to train him tomorrow, got that" Vanoss said firmly. "Yes sir" Lui said in his squeaker voice with a quick salute. "Ok now do whatever you want to do today because we all got a lot of work to do tomorrow" Vanoss suggested, we all nodded and we all started leaving in different directions.

I slowly walked to my room. I took a couple glances back and saw Wildcat being held back by Vanoss. Well, whatever their going to discuss about, it's probably not going to be anything good for Wildcat. I chuckled a little as I made it into my room and shut the door behind me.

What are Vanoss and Wildcat going to have a little talk about? David has been accepted into the group and will be starting training tomorrow? I hope ye enjoy this chapter I will try and publish chapters as fast as I can. Well anyways, I'll see yall later. Bye, Bye. 😐👋


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